"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Sunday Stealing: The End of the Year


This is Sunday Stealing, and you can get there from THIS link.  Bev is the Chieftess of our tribe.   Her Blog, Funny the World, is HERE

Now for the questions of the week.  To see other participants answers, go HERE

 First things first, did you have a good year?  I've had better ones.  So say we all! :o)

 What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Well, I'll go with my sweaters and yoga pants.

 What song sums up this year for you?  Worry and Blur; Generational Angst; Rage Against the Machine.  

Weird, No?  But it's fitting for this time.  This was performed in 1993. ATTITUDE... You've sunk a long ways, Baby.....

What was your favorite movie of the year? I don't know that any movies came out this year that I may have seen, except the one about Mr. Rogers.  That was weird but made me think about this amazing man.

Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? No new ones, no.

Favorite new TV show? Zero and a spin out for me.  I don't watch it.

Did you make any big permanent changes this year? No

What was one nice thing you did for yourself? I quit watching or reading anything and everything about irrelevant people or topics.

Did you develop a new obsession? Just in trying to find out why I was dropping weight so quickly. It's been solved with the help of a diligent doctor.

Did you move? Move House?  Nope

Did you get a pet? No, but the time is coming when we will have to make a decision we just don't want to make.  Wolfie is just barely able to walk.  Like most folks, old or not, we just want to keep him, snuggle him, and love him, to the bitter end.  We see ourselves in our aging pup, and know that, if we were in an uncaring society, we might be left to die somewhere.

Do you regret not doing anything? Yes...
I regret not going up to see the kids in the October after I fell.  We still didn't have a ramp for the bounder, and getting up and down the stairs was a problem with a broken shoulder and elbow.  But we also didn't know a Pandemic was going to upend everyone's lives for an entire year and a half, apparently we will be waiting that long for shots, some of us.  Unfortunately, we may have more saboteurs waiting in the wings.  

Do you regret doing something?  I haven't been out of my house for months, I guess I regret not getting rid of stuff in here, but who wants to take it right now anyway? 

Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? YES!

Did you lose anyone close to you? No. Close, but no..

Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?  Sorry, I don't get some of these questions, and this is one of them.  As I see it, any one in my life is important- even if they are only transecting my life in Instagram or blogging.  They are IN my LIFE.  They are important.

Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? N/A... Oh wait.  Probably trump, now that he's on the way out, I don't have to waste a single thought on him ever again.

What was the best moment of the year for you?  When Biden won the election in a resounding way.

What was the worst?  This guy... Article  From the Washington Post.

What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior?  That I'm a lot tougher than I thought I was.

What do you wish for others for the coming year? That they are all healthy and can get back to their lives.  I also want them to be able to put country over party.  We need to solve some big problems in the USA. All this poisonous talk needs to stop and we start working  together.  I also wish that we could stop so much of the thievery in Washington DC.  It's  a cancer on the Body Politic.

What do you wish for yourself?  I wish too see all the kids, and throw a GREAT big birthday party for all of them and their friends.  Hire a band and have a blast. 


  1. I hope you get to hire that band and have that big party! You may get the vaccine sooner than later - I hope so, anyway.

    1. Thank you, CountryDew. Can you believe this wasn't deliberate? I can't. I'm hoping that everyone who needs the vaccine the most gets it. Both doses.
      Anyway, they should get both doses, so that we don't end up with an immunity issue. And, that the authorities do this in a timely manner. I'm hoping everyone who is an essential worker gets it. my DD told me that there were people are showing up everywhere, even outdoor markets, without masks, protesting and getting in people's faces to scream at them. Sad

  2. I read that article with absolute horror. Losing his license and going to jail isn't enough, frankly. But I'll stop there. Have a great Sunday, Zip.

    1. I'm with you. He's a wicked man. He needs to be charged but i bet there isn't a lot that can be done about it. A slap on the wrist. Thanks for the Sunday wishes. I knit a lot. :o)

  3. the pharmacist should be charged with 250 counts of manslaughter. It's like intentionally running over 250 people with your car. I've been shocked at the hateful people who call themselves Americans... I believed we were better than this but better to at least know the truth. Thank you for honest answers. I'm having trouble coming up with answers!

    1. This was a tough one. I had trouble with this one,too.
      As you say, there is so much hate speech and serious white supremacist tripe.
      and out of the mouths of religious people? What is this all about?

      And yes, that pharmacist, he should be charged with something, but what it will be is hard to tell. His family will be punished too, so I'm hoping he's single and childless. And that he does some serious jail time.

  4. I had a tough time answering these questions.

    I love your beautiful new background. :)

    1. They were tough questions. Things that are not our usual lighthearted banter, and joking around.
      Thank you about the floral background. I'm skipping right through to Spring. I have proclaimed a time out for darkness. As Queen of the Land of Nothing,it is my birthright.

  5. Oh--have I properly thanked you for the video for the thumb knitting? I knit my first mittens this year and that video link helped!

    1. You are very welcome, Miss Kwiz. Glad to help. Its a lovely video.
      I decided to put it up here so as to not lose it myself, having become an airhead due to political angst. ;o)

  6. I am so sorry about Wolfie...you are right, we want to take care of them as long as we can and have them around. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.


    1. Thank you, and bless your kind heart. One day at a Time, they say. So we do that. I hope you have a very good week, Lori. <3

  7. I hope you get to hire that band and can celebrate big. Kids deserve that. I can’t even imagine what kids today think of the pandemic and what kind of affects it will have on them for the future.

    1. Hi, Lola. I wonder that, too. I imagine that this pandemic will be remembered as a marker for "before" and "after" when they tell their childhood stories.
      Like the first Pandemic for my parents - whose mothers both lost their first born baby girls, and they almost died themselves. And a marker like WWII was for my generation. It will be another terrible marker. They've seen Wars, Wars, Wars, and then a Pandemic. Jeez

  8. That song by Rage sums up the year perfectly.




  9. Too Right! The "sound effects" in HYSTERIA! see side bar----->

  10. This was a hard one to answer here as well, enjoyed your answers and thank you for stopping by my place

  11. Loved reading your post! Sorry to hear about Wolfie.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..