"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday Stealing:



Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal  all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise  to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and  intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

1.  What is your favorite animal, and why? I love them all.  Why?  They made the world what it is and even figure heavily in our enjoyment of it.

2. Are people animals? Yes, we are.

 What separates humans from animals?  A tiny percentage of DNA separates us from the other apes.  We share 98.8 with bonobos and chimps.  Humans and Bonobos share 1.7%  of DNA that chimps don't share.. so they, bonobos, are our closest animal relatives, which makes perfect sense to me. 

3.   Which animal is the most dangerous?  Any of the pit vipers.  They scare the B-Geebers out of me.  When i was 13, my sibs, Dad, and I stopped at a reservoir in the middle of the cattle country.  I walked out, bare footed, into the twilight to look at the stars reflected on the surface of the water.  

I chanced to look down at the ground before getting to the edge of the water.  The ground was alive with little snakes.  I was delighted but then saw the heads were all triangular shapes.  They were baby rattlers.  My knees were shaking so badly by the time I'd worked my way back down from the rim that I must have trembled the rest of the evening.  A baby rattler is more poisonous than an adult because they hold nothing back.  They bite like there is no tomorrow.

4.   What should you do if a bear approaches you?  I've had this happen to me.,this is how i handled it....I'm not a danger ranger or anything, but  in sequoia a mother bear walked right up behind me to see what i was rinsing out - it was a pan I'd cooked oatmeal in that morning.  

I'm not (and never have been) afraid of bears.  But I have a healthy respect their power. she got the pan.  I slowly backed away from her and all the way back up onto the cabin steps.  The rangers told us not to wash dishes outside in the dawn or dusk.  The bear didn't get the memo.

5.   Do you like dogs? Why do people call the dog, man’s best friend?  I love dogs.  Dog's are man's best friend because they are incredibly loyal, devoted, and a wonderful companion.  I love cats, too, but dogs are my favorite pet.

6.   Do you enjoy going to the zoo? Some people consider zoos to be cruel environments for animals. What do you think?  I don't go to the zoo, and we have a world class one in my city.  I've said before that i didn't like the Wild Animal Park, either but this is because they trap and kill all sorts of native animals every year to keep them off of it.

7.   Where is the best place to see animals in your country? In the world?  I'm a birder, and i think you can go anywhere and see interesting birds.  I've never gone any specific place to see animals besides birds, so haven't got an opinion about it. 

8.   Are you a vegetarian? What makes some people give up eating meat?  I am as much as possible I am a vegan.  I don't like to eat meat but I'm old now so I do eat a little.  Funny how that works.  I reckon if the Dali Lama has  been advised to eat it and does, who am I to say nay?

9.   Which animal is most helpful to humans?  All the pollinators.  Bats, bees, moths butterflies

10  If you could be any animal (besides human), which animal would you like to be? Frankly, 

i'd rather be dead..  but Then again....maybe a raven.  They belong completely to God.

11.  Who would win in a fight between a tiger and a lion?  My Money is on the Tiger.

12.  What do you think about hunting animals? Would you like to try it?  I think its high time that sport hunting ended.  If you feed your family with it. ok.  My grandpa went hunting to have meat for his extended family during WWII. 

No, to the second part of the question. I grew up shooting things.  Never, ever, again will I do it.


13.   Books like “Watership Down” and “Animal Farm” give animals human characteristics like human thoughts or language. Is this how you think animals really are? Or are those really just stories about people?  Those two books are not the same as really knowing what an animal is thinking.  so no... 

When I was still in my teens I saw a little ground squirrel run out to the center of the lane in the rocky mountains.  This is a long time before those roads were divided highways.  This little squirrel tried repeatedly to get its fellow ground squirrel to wake up, or move or whatever.  Others were hanging around on the side.. I'll say that was my wake up call to the fact that the other animals have fellow feelings, just as we do. 


14.  Some animals are endangered due to illegal poaching. How do you feel about this issue? I HATE POACHERS!

15.  If we can bring an extinct animal from the past back with genetic engineering, should we do it? Which animals should we bring back?  Until we get rid of the poachers, and reduce the human gobbling up of the earth surface, we should just forget about the whole enterprise of bringing extinct animals back.  


Thank you Bev for doing this meme for us every week.  


To see other Thieves Tales, please go HERE


  1. I love your answers! I'm also a dog fan. And where I live, hunting keeps the moose, deer, and bear populations regulated and they are hunted for food so I don't mind it too much. But big game hunting or sport hunting I am NOT a fan of.

    1. I agree completely. Hunting for sustenance is necessity. Hunting for market is edgy, considering what happened when wild populations of say, passenger pigeons was done. But Trophy and sport? It helps nothing, outside of a taxidermist.

  2. I enjoyed your bear story. I have also seen animals try to wake up dead animals, or search for them. I suspect there is a lot more to animals than we know.

    1. I agree with you. There is a lot more to the OTHER animals than we know. My bear story took place in broad daylight. So, that may have been why the mother bear was so mellow about it. She wanted that OATMEAL PAN, and I was more than happy to put it down and back away from it. lol

  3. When you're driving on rural roads, have you every noticed how squirrels love to dash in front of your car at the last minute? We've often wondered if they're playing a dare game with each other.

    1. They may be Teenagers... so you never know!
      Many times, Mama or Papa is on the other side of the road and the kids are anxiety driven. They wait, and wait, and then get scared when a car is coming and last chance fever sets in! Splat!

  4. Your snake story was scary! And I was happy to read about your bear experience to find out that it's not immediately dangerous, if you behave properly.

    1. Being Cool and calm around bears is always best. If they mean to harm you, there's not a lot you can do about it anyway.

      That same year we are in the cabins, two men found out that bears to NOT take kindly to you trying to scare then away from food. One challenged a massive bear to the steaks on the grill. There is a "no cooking after 5 o'clock" rule which the camper thought nothing of disobeying. He got told in no uncertain terms, "my forest, MY RULES!" by the bear.

      And a back packer next to us was inside his cabin stocking his packs with food, but with the door open. He saw the she bear coming towards him so he ran outside and started throwing bleach in her direction. That went well.

      She chased him away, and he ran full force into a guard rail but luckily she broke off pursuit,since she only wanted the pesky human's food anyway. So she proceeded into the cabin and happily ripped all the packs open and feasting.
      Bears rule the campground when they are of a mind to. ;o)

  5. I don't mind non-posionous snakes - and thankfully we don't have any here in the UK (we have snakes but they are rare). We don't have bears either but I saw some in the wild in Canada and I am glad I was on a bus.




    1. The bus is a very good place to be in when traveling in Grizzly Country. The larger females weigh 800 pounds, and the males are twice that.
      These were Black bears and they are big enough. The male, who happened to be black, was huge. The one at the campground was biggest Black bear I've ever seen, and the angriest. The female who rubbed all down the back of my body trying to stick her nose in the pan, was nearly up to my armpits. She had two adorable cubs. Several transgressions of rules, lock up your food, don't cook at dusk or dark, and one of the campers was stupid enough to put out scraps of food, and tie his dog up on the porch to tell him when bears were coming by so that he could take pictures. *rolls Eyes*.

  6. your snake story gave me goosebumps never been close to a rattler, nor a bear, I have heard they are just curious is all. enjoyed your answers agree on the poaching. hope you have a great week, Thank you for stopping by.

    1. You are welcome and thanks for the return visit. I love to read the Sat9er's and the Thieves blogs every week.
      Bears are a lot of time curious. Mostly they are hungry.... lol But, poachers and sport hunters are horrid. And I'm not so mad at the ones in Africa as I am at the secret kill meets that take place here in the States and in Canada. And that blasted Ivory trade. grrrr


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..