"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Saturday Nine: "Saturday Night's Alright", with Elton John.

Saturday 9: Saturday Night's Alright (1973)  

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE
1) In this song, Elton John tells us it's 7:00 PM on Saturday evening and he's ready to rock with his friends. What will you be doing at 7:00 this evening? I’ll be watching a movie 🍿 πŸŽ₯ with my hubby. It’s called, “Power of the Dog”.
2) His sister is ready to party, too. The lyrics tell us she looks cute with "a handful of grease in her hair." What haircare products would we find in your bathroom right now?  I use conditioner on my hair after shampooing it.  I don’t have much hair left, but you know that it’s sometimes a “hair today, gone tomorrow” life for little old ladies. 

3) He sings that by Saturday, he's had it with the aggravation and discipline of the past week and now he's ready to cut loose. How did last week treat you? As long as I don’t read or hear any of the news, I’m good.  Oh Yah, like that’s ever going to happen.  The very first thing I do when I wake,  I check whether or not the hooligans have escalated our time jump up the Doomsday ⏰ clock… 
tick πŸ•°️  tock 

4) This Saturday night finds Elton and his friends "packed pretty tight" in their bar of choice. Agoraphobics have a hard time feeling safe in busy, crowded places. How about you? Are you comfortable in a crowd? I’ve been to a lot of rallies and sports events and never felt any panic.  So, I reckon I’m good in a crowd. The deafening music is the killer at raves. I’ve worn earplugs at a couple of those.  

5) The lyrics were written by Bernie Taupin, Elton's frequent collaborator. Bernie ranks this near the top of his favorite Elton John records. What's your favorite?  My favorite is “A Candle in the Wind” But I love everything Elton John ever wrote or performed. 

6) Elton has turned his bad eyesight into a hobby, claiming that over the years he has purchased well over 200,000 pairs of glasses. Do you wear glasses? If so, how many prescription pairs do you own?  I have four. For all four of my eyes, you say?  Yes, you smartie pants, you. πŸ€“πŸ˜ŽπŸ™ƒ
7) Elton once had to cancel an international tour because of an emergency appendectomy. Do you still have your appendix? Yes, I do. I am  missing other little bits and pieces, but you didn’t ask about those. did you? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Œ
8) In 1973, when this song was popular, M*A*S*H was at the top of the ratings. Who is your favorite M*A*S*H character?  I actually liked the colonel best.  I can still hear him saying, “We’re buggin’ out!!!”

9) Random question: Who is the wisest person you know?  Though I don’t know him socially, that would be Noam Chomsky, hands down. I only disagree on his fixation upon Libertarianism. 

Dear Readers: If you want to see posts from all the Niners, Go HERE to the Home Planet.  I got behind in visits but I’ll be around to see all of your two weeks of Saturday nine posts tomorrow. 

Thank you Sam, for something fun to do online on Saturday.. πŸ’–


  1. Now when you say your favorite MASH character is "The Col.," do you mean Henry Blake or Sherman Potter? I'm terribly partial to Col. Potter. (I just watched it today on TVLand.)

    1. Colonel Sherman Potter, yes. He's the one I liked the best of all of them, Radar was next. I didn't actually care much for the one that died in the plane crash. But really, it was so mean to kill him off that way! ;o)

  2. #3. I try so hard not to listen to the news too much. It really is ridiculous. People are so violent. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


    1. Oh yes! Tune it out! Life is stressful enough without listening to the dust ups in Washington D.C. I do how ever, keep track of what goes on Ukraine. I'd like to slap Putin with a Large Trout!

  3. #4 I don’t like when you go to a wedding or a class reunion and they ban plays so loud you can’t talk. That’s when I leave.
    #8 Ditto
    Have a great week!

    1. #4. Eeeeee! Maybe the people that go to raves are all deaf now because they have been going to RAVES or something.
      And quite a few of us liked the Col. Potter. He was great, so funny!

  4. I think you're talking about Colonel Potter, right? I liked him, too.

    1. Oh yes, he's the one! Several of us favored him. He didn't get caught up in the romantic hullaballooo.. Lol

  5. Of course it’s Colonel Potter, Henry Blake never gave any kind of order

    1. Colonel Flake? hehehe I'm still coming around to see both of the last two Sat.9's. So you will see the chicken scratches soon. Thanks for the comments! I hope you have a great week in this new one.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..