"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Saturday9... Beautiful Boy: John Lennon

 Saturday 9: Beautiful Boy (1980)

This song was chosen in honor of Father's Day. Hear it here.

1) Paul McCartney has said that "Beautiful Boy" is one of his favorite John Lennon solo songs. What's yours? (This link will take you to his greatest hits.)

I'd say that my favorite on that album is, "Give Peace a Chance".

2) Lennon wrote this for his son, Sean. Father and son share an October 9 birthday. Does anyone in your life share your birthday?  No.  The only other person I've ever met who shares my birthday is a receptionist who works in the eye doctor's office! LOL....

3) John asks Sean to take his hand before they cross the street. Name another song that references holding hands.  I can't think of another song that does.  It will be interesting to see what other Niners come up with.

4) Today Sean Lennon is in his late 40s. He lives in Greenwich Village, creating art and music from his elaborate home-based music and film studio. Are you into the latest in electronics?  Nom but I sure would love to have a new robot like the one that is dancing on You Tube.  

Here's a human dancing it.. whatever it is called ... the "craze" I mean.  It's WAY beyond Hip Hop... but oh so cute and exciting.  I've heard it called the Paragon Shuffle but I'm sure there are other names for it. 

5) In Thailand, Father's Day is observed on the birthday of the current King. Are you celebrating any birthdays this month?  June is a big month for birthdays in the family.  Our two oldest were both born in June, a year and a day apart.  They were "Irish Twins", only 12 months and one day apart. The nurse said that it was nice that Bee would have her own birthday. 

There are three other people in the immediate family have birthdays this month.  My MIL was a June baby, and our niece, and, I think, both of her two daughters.  If there's anyone else, I've forgotten who it is. 

6) Crazy Sam vividly remembers her long-ago high school days when her father gave her driving lessons. Do you consider yourself a good driver? I do.  I've driven since I was 15 years old (back in the day you could do that) and have only gotten one ticket. 

7) Sam's dad is a stickler about car maintenance and reminds Sam to change her air filter regularly so her a/c and heater can run efficiently. Share a car maintenance tip.  In addition to the above things, I say get the lubes and oil changes on time, and always.. just do it.

8) When he fills up the car, Sam's father also stocks up on his favorite candy: Life Savers. He always has a bag in the glove compartment. What's something you don't leave home without? Usually that would be my purse.

9) Random Question: How long can you go without checking your phone? Hours and HOURS....In fact I'm infamous.

Thanks again to you, Sam, for this lovely Meme πŸ’–πŸ™


  1. #2: I bet the receptionist mentions this to you every time you check in and she sees your date of birth n your file.
    #6: Only one ticket?! You're an excellent driver!

    1. Hi.. this is Z…yes one ticket and a half mile from home. Lol! I deserved more because I was a speed demon as a teen.
      Now I compose my mind in the first minute in the car to insure I’m all there.

  2. I agree with you on the oil and lubes! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


    1. Thank you for reading my blog. Always great to see your cheerful comments. Hope the week is going well.

  3. I actually don't always have a purse with me...only if I'm going to need a credit card.

    Your June sounds like our February. Most of our family birthdays are in February.

    1. Cluster birthdays can get hectic,lol! πŸ₯³ And I always carry my purse in the car. It’s an old habit. Really old now for me..

  4. I started driving when I was 12 or 13. My dad had an old Jeep (manual) that we used to drive from the house down to the bus stop. The driveway is over 1/4 mile long and after I got frostbite from walking home in the cold, he bought the old Jeep for us to use.

    1. Oh my…that is a very long driveway! Rural kids do learn early, that’s true. I drove in the deserts here when I was 14. And in the riverbed when I was younger. πŸ˜‚

  5. I've never gotten a ticket--but I was pulled over once because my registration was expired.

    1. You are completely amazing to me. No tickets. The one that I got was for a so called, “California stop” which means you sort of glide slowly through the stop sign area without coming to a complete stop for at least five seconds. πŸ« πŸ˜‚

  6. Now that you mentioned a robot, I think need to invest in a Roomba. Never thought it was worth it before, but the thought is starting to grow.

  7. I asked hubby about a Roomba and was told that OP said they are nice but don’t last long. I could care less about that at my age. I just want clean floors that stay that way..πŸ˜‚


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..