"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Touch Me in the Morning.... Diana Ross

Saturday 9

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Diana Ross sings that nothing good lasts forever. Do you agree?  Good or Bad... nothing lasts forever.  

Personally I am glad it doesn't. 

 My feeling is this.  After learning to settle down and let the river of time wash over me...

Memory is OWNED by you as long as you claim it.  So, like the little cartoon tells you to do... have a cookie when something unpleasant arises. A cookie can be anything pleasant to think about.  

2) She sings about a happy past with her lover, and the strength she'll need to face tomorrow alone. Do you find yourself more often remembering the past or anticipating the future? 

Through long practice, I've learned to just live in the present.  And I've learned to have a lot of "cookies". 

3) In the 1970s, Diana Ross had young daughters. To spend maximum time with her girls, she would sleep all day when they were in school. That way she could have dinner with them, bathe them and put them to bed before going to the studio and recording all night. Have you ever worked the night shift? 

Clever Diana....  As to my night shift,  yes, and I did work the night shift.  And I learned to like it more than the day shift.  I was a telephone operator, and you get the most interesting challenges at night. One of mine was to try to get a Spanish speaking drunk fellow to put more coins into the payphone.  I was called over by the supervisor, who dropped me into the middle of the transaction that was going nowhere fast. Lol. 

4) Diana has five children altogether. There's a 16-year age difference between her oldest daughter, Rhonda, and her youngest son, Evan. Studies have shown that when there's a big gap between siblings, parents consider the older kids "built-in babysitters." In your family, were the older kids ever in charge of the younger ones?  

I was the oldest and yes.  I was always in charge of my littler sibs when the parentals were both gone. 

5) She says her favorite sweet treat is Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies. Do you have a favorite cookie? 

Honestly?  I never met a cookie that I didn't like.  

Gimme! Gimme! I'll take them ALL!

6) Around the time she recorded this song, Diana Ross considered making a movie called The Bodyguard. She was to play a singer who received death threats, and Steve McQueen would portray the man hired to protect her. Scheduling conflicts prevented the movie from being made. It wasn't filmed until 1992, and then with different stars. Without looking it up, can you name stars of The Bodyguard? 

I've watched that movie, and loved it, but can't name all the stars except for Kevin Costner. 

7) In 1973, when this song was #1, Norman Mailer was atop the best-seller list with his controversial biography of Marilyn Monroe. Do you often read biographies and memoirs? 

I do.  Right now I'm reading one mystery after the other, but biographies are, well, so delicious. 

8) Also in 1973, another Motown singer, Stevie Wonder, was injured in an automobile crash and still has a scar on his nose to show for it. Have you ever been in a car accident?  

Three or four. This IS California and everyone, and their dog drives....

9) Random Question: What's the last thing you borrowed or lent?  

Generally I don't borrow or lend.  A sewing machine I loaned came back all butchered up because the woman I lent it to had a husband who thought he could make it run "better".  We are talking a vintage "Singer" machine.  Lesson Learned.

I will give things away because I have a spare.  Books I will never lend. I've lost some pretty important first editions that way.  Satanic Verses was one of them.

Thanks again Sam for this fun meme on a Saturday!  I love it.   I was feeling sad and tired and now I just feel like eating some cookies!

Nom Nom!


  1. Oh, this made me happy. I'm such a fan of Cookie Monster and he's all over your psot today!

  2. I’m glad it made you happy. Cookie Monster is one of my favorite muppets, too!

  3. Cookie! Me want Cookie! I generally don't borrow/lend stuff, either. Especially books.

    1. We want Cookies! lol And generally I don't lend anything anymore. I've learned my lesson. And it's also probably because I don't have any friends left close enough to lend then stuff!

  4. Replies
    1. SQUEEEE! Isn't he the coolest Monster ... well, I still love Animal more. hehe

  5. I've had the same eperiences with books.
    I even found one back on the shelf somewhere and the woman in question was telling me it was hers. Well, she couldn't convince me as my name was on page 5.
    I used to put my name there as people wouldn't tear out a page with text. LOL!

    1. What a great idea! I wish I'd have done that with my first editions. grrr. It was the sort of counter culture way to be generous, and mostly it was primal stupidity to expect not to be ripped off.

  6. What are you reading for mysteries? Glad the cookies and Cookie Monster made you feel better. 😁❤

    1. They did and thank you.. muchly. 🫠
      As to mystery writers that I like and read it’s mostly these authors: Patricia Wentworth, Michele Salter, Naigo Marsh, Donna Leon, Henning Mankell, Faith Martin. Ellis Peters, and Ian Morrison. I read a lot of non fiction about terrible things so the mysteries keep me engaged -rather than unhinged - and they keep me sane. 🫣 At least I think they do. 🤫 lol


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..