"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 25, 2023

My Sharona

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: My Sharona (1979)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

1) The Knack's lead singer Doug Fieger wrote this song for his girlfriend, Sharona Alperin. That's Sharona on the record sleeve shown here. Who took the most recent photo of you?  It was probably a selfie. lol  Modern Times call for modern measures. 

2) Today Sharona Alperin is a realtor in Southern California. (The photo on her website is more demure than the recorded sleeve.) She specializes in high-end properties. Have you ever attended an open house, not because you were interested in purchasing the property but because you were curious about the inside?

 No, I haven't done that.  You are going to get a book here. . . .

The reason is that I wasn't curious about big houses anymore.  Several of my maternal Great Aunties and Uncles lived in a few of them in Pasadena and Altadena.  Our family all went to visit many times when I was small.  

I was especially in awe of the giant  Kitchen-maid mixers, and so was my little bro who climbed into one once.  I remember him peeping over the edge of the bowl.  I'm glad we weren't caught!  My great Aunt TH, and her husband, were so tolerant of children!  When my Grandpa was visiting from Ohio one year, one of my Great Aunts danced with me while Uncle B played the piano.  It was fun. 

Anyway, the staircases were something out of Gone With the Wind.  The Bedrooms were fabulous, we were still small enough to take naps so my little bro and I were allowed to rest there.

Much later, in my teens, I worked in the old houses that were being torn down in Altadena and Pasadena when a crew was helping to salvage fine woods and built-in furnishings inside of them.  It's sad that it even happened that they were teardowns, because they were all such beautiful houses.   

3) Doug Fieger's brother is Geoffrey Fieger, a prominent attorney in Detroit. Have you ever consulted a lawyer? Yes, to draw up a Living Trust. 

4) The Knack's record producer was Jimmy Miller, who also worked with The Rolling Stones. What's your favorite Rolling Stones song?  I really never liked Mick Jagger;s voice that much with the exception of this song and one other.  I still am in Like with their chief song writer and lead guitarist.... Keith Richards. 

5. In 1994, more than a decade after its initial release, "My Sharona" became popular with a new audience because it was included on the soundtrack of the movie Reality Bites. What's the most recent movie you watched? 

Last night we watched, "Brain on Fire"  I had to watch it again because it's one of the things I forgot after that kitchen fall.  Life is getting strange for me Lol... I only forgot movies.  Not Books, music, or anything else.  Mighty curious.. Sort of "Doolalee" with a Twist of "Rogue Wildebeest" 

6) President George W. Bush said he loved listening to "My Sharona" on his headphones while riding his bike. Do you often have music on when you exercise?  I used to.  Now I like to hear the sound of the hand held vacuum cleaner because that is how I get exercise now.  That puppy is HEAVY and works wonders for upper body strength. 

7) In 1979, when this song was popular, the CBS TV show Alice was a hit. It was about a widowed mom who made ends meet working in a diner. Have you ever worked at a restaurant?  No.  Unless, that is, fast food counts.  

8) Also in 1979, the Voyager spacecraft sent back photos of Jupiter and its rings. Without looking it up, can you name all the planets in our solar system?  Yes.  And, I am not a splitter... Uranus stays!  The Cheek of some Astronomers!  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.  I think that is from the Sun, outward.  I'm never sure of Neptune and Uranus though. 

9) Random question: If you could erase your most painful day from your memory, would you do it?  No.  But I am not sure.  I think that a person learns from everything that has happened to them. And the older I get, the more I've come to realize that for me, this is true.  

Thank you Sam!  These all really made me think about a few things.  

Readers:  Want to see the linkie for other responses?  Go HERE



  1. Mick Jagger could always ruin a song I thought. Very sad indeed about beautiful old homes being torn down. I remember when Alta Dena dairy had raw milk.

    1. Progress, yes.. That was History ..those old houses. As to raw milk, Children are safer I guess. But you can't get raw milk to make cheeses unless you live in the country and keep a cow or goats. Mother used to trade eggs, and vegetables from our farm, to a lady who sold Mom goat's milk. Now you have to use cultured buttermilk and can make a fresh cheese with that.. I've done it a few times, lemon juice and cultured buttermilk make a nice soft cheese. One adjusts. 😕

  2. When I'm in England I love the old houses, even when I can't get inside. They have demolished here so much beautiful houses. I used to visit a friend who loved in a kind of Japanese house. Everything there was beautiful and/ or interesting. We could spend hours discovering hidden places, drawers and even a place where they were hiding Jewish people in WW2. Not they have taken out everything. Itś just a shell with moden offices inside.

    Such a pit that happens in your area too.

    1. It was a pity. And it happened here because of the push to stamp everything with "progress", never mind the History that was being destroyed.
      Plus, "The World" sped up after WWII and American architects and developers went wild for building housing developments and office buildings on the large lands surrounding cities. So the large properties - on the market for a song - got thrown under the bus.

  3. Wait! He fell INTO the mixing bowl! Oh, that's a wild and wonderful memory!

    1. He climbed into it, as any energetic little 2.5 year old boy is want to do! I had a devil of a time getting him back out of it in time to avoid elder aunt shock and awe, as I wasn't very big myself.

  4. I'm going to look up Brain on Fire--I've never heard of it.

    1. There's also a book, which we read, and then the movie came out. I think you might love it because it's an incredible modern Save of a girl who was, basically, dying of they knew not what...

  5. I must have missed something. I know Pluto was downgraded from a planet, but what's up with Uranus?

    1. Sounds that way, but no, we aren't going to move.

      And now I will write you a book. Lol.
      We have been waiting for me to decide the THREE things I can still do with any amount of skill, and get rid of things that have nothing at all to do with those few talents.

      I ran a craft business that was just getting off the ground when Chinese arts and crafts started flooding into the country. A door slammed on most of the craft shows, and my main one, that was actually a pretty good one, lost it's talented programmer about that same time. She was going blind, you see. Very sad.

      So... I finally folded when that Guild did. There was NO market except maybe Etsy which I did try to set up, but then I GOT SICK. lol The claws I was using to dig up any new venue all fell off and never grew back. I could write a book. lol

    2. I'm sorry, I pulled down a comment by accident and ended up with a non-sensical answer to your question. Pluto is supposedly a moon-like follower of another planet, maybe Uranus? Anyway that made it not eligible to be a planet. They they started in on Uranus, but I do not know why. Size maybe?


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..