"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thursday Thirteen: Thirteen things I love to collect or remember about.

This will likely be a set of photos..... or maybe not.  My brain is fighting me every inch of the way as it wants to take over my mind to try to run things.  Mind is going to win. Brain knows nothing about how to fight a Mind. No no no no no… Mind is Sneaky…

  1. Shells… 

 I like to collect all sorts of them, though these are from a Puzzle game.


Yarn.  It's an illness. 😵‍💫  I collect yarn 

Lots and LOTS of Sock 🧶 yarn.  
This is, by NO MEANS all of it. 


I love rusty things and I collect pictures of rusty things 
if they are to big to cart home.
The rest of the rust lives in boxes and jars of them if they are 
not. This is also from a puzzle game.

4. I collect Sky Shots mostly of clouds.  These are from my back garden.  This morning a crow flew in and peered down at me from the roof.  He, or she, was looking for new baby tortoises.  Crows eat them. Sad but true.  

 Sky Watcher Photos for the Group....

We collect Clouds

5. I read, and collect. a lot of books.  Happily 2000+ of them are digital.  I LOVE BOOKS!  

In fact if I spend less time on the internet, books are the reason.  Violence and Strife, and the Wars and Rumors of Wars have made escape into books, knitting, and eating ice cream the only sensible options.  At least it certainly seems that way.  

Somehow, the Punic Wars, when merely read about, seem distant, arcane, and definitely not as threatening. 

This one was fun. The author says that he is Autistic,
and he does seem to have an interesting "Voice".


I wanted to visit these beautiful trees this year but Alas.  They are in Henry Cowles. 
So, I collected their leafy magnificence into a few snaps when we were there a few years ago..

7.  I’ve collected a respectable trove of Sewing patterns but I have also sent two big boxes to a local theater company’s costumer makers.

 8.  A photo of our now ghost puppy, Wolfie.  He has settled in now with our little “pack” though…and we still miss him.  

I hope that you get to play all day, in heaven with
Jazzie, Rocky, Shadow, Taffy, Pépe, Tobie.
and all the other doggies.

9. I like to be able to make a lot of things, and have  collected the crafting skills , but I'm not very good at organizing the materials and I'm also a whole lot slower these days. 

Cleaning the sewing room out for a possible life changing move is a real challenge.  I'm coming up against my ability to collect stuff a lot quicker than I could ever use it.  I never realized how many times I was going to fall and break bones, or how easy it was to do so!  Mon Dieu! 

Just to be clear… I'm not as bad as the people on Hoarders by any means. but I still feel the weight of it on my mind.  I'm therefore inching my way back to being neat and tidy.  Success is in repurposing and recycling and re-imagining a lot of materials.  

10. I want a Maine Coon cat. I love them!  Would someone just put a kitten on my porch please? I will leave a box out there, with a blanket in it. 

This is a Maine Coon Cat kitten.
 I guess I’d settle for any kitten at all.

😂 This made me laugh!  So funny!🤣
❤️ I love this comic strip.❤️

 If I can’t have a kitten can I have this puppy? 
Please! Please! Please!

13.  The green Aran sweater is out of the bag and will be attended to in “workman” fashion. This Saga of the Love Sweater is inching its way off the needles.  I was going to say something like, “if it’s the last thing I will do!” but that seemed a little ominous at my age.  😜

Good night, and Good Luck.


  1. A move? Are you and your DH thinking of moving? I would be overwhelmed if we were to move, after living here for 36 years. So much junk shoved in drawers and closets. I need to get off my duff and do some decluttering myself.

  2. Wolfie was definitely a dear.. and here is hoping that #s10 and 12 come true for you

    1. Thank you so much. 🙏 And thanks for reading .. I love your name...

  3. My mom had a Maine Coon. She was a sweetie. Consider this my Maine Coon endorsement!

    1. Awww so lovely to hear your endorsement! And... Thank you!

      I really do want one of them. We will see! The only other option might be a fuzzy Siamese cat. They used to be called something else but now they are called Long Haired Siamese, or "Balinese". Many of them like water and will try to get into the shower with you. They are also very sweet.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..