"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, November 21, 2005

At last, the solahart guy came to move the ugly thing.

I'm fighting off a cold today so am crabby. The solahart man, if he gets anywhere near me, is going to feel the spillover affects of messing with me today... grrrr

I must say that I have a growing hatred for the solahart man. I cannot be around him or he will get bitten viciously on the leg or hand. He has delayed the new roof for over a week with his whiney, wiley ways. For the price of moving the damn solar water heater, I could have had an UBER spinning wheel, one for home as well as the Loet for traveling.

I'm sure my kids remember that water in the house is a big fear of mine. I don't like what it does to interior walls and furnishings. But my snittyness also could be the cold that's trying to get me and right before Thanksgiving. I am starting vit C therapy, of 1000 mil every hour for 8 hours. Lot's of tea. knitting. videos. Yes? Off to medicate myself!

To expiate my sin of hatred, I took some ice cold bottled water to the SH Man and his worker, whom I really do like. Feeling better about things now. hehe

PS. I've been assured that the replacement wheel is on the way and will shortly arrive.


  1. What's a solahart?
    Take care of yourself! Lots of C is good!

  2. Hi Karen. So far I've beat off the cold with VitC tablets. So far so good!

    A solahart is a solar water heater. It's a big tank with passive glass top panels in the front of it which collect solar energy and heat the water. It works good up there on the roof, especially in SoCal.

  3. Glad to hear you're better!
    Thanks for educating me on the Solarhart!

    If I had something like that here, my water might be cold 3/4 of the year ;-)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..