"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Here a cricket, there a cricket.

I found this amazing site! If you ever have a doubt about the expertise of your roofer, go Here

I especially recommend the page on "Don't Climb That Ladder!"

New roofers came today, and they are youngins, not the geriatric Paladin who came yesterday, but just as nice and comforting. Their appearance was as a sort of "roof posse" who assured me that the sewing room would not suffer the affront of yet another leak.

Now if the wheel replacement would just come! I am getting seriously worried that it will take a fight with Dave Louet over the split in the spoke for my S-75 DT. Woe, Woe to all who would delay the spinning of the fiber!

Tiny Doggie has had his ears cleaned out by his Vet, and now he has some medicinal "glue" to put into them. We shall see if it stops up the leaks in his nostrils.


  1. ROFL.....the "geriatric Paladin"......
    Oh, Zippiana, you made me laugh!!!!

  2. Lord child, I get the whole roofer troubles thing. I spent some time with my roofer today. He is so busy, he doesn't know if he is coming or going most days. They are still dealing with Katrina damage, so it was very hard to get someone to come out for an inspection.

  3. Oh Karen, I just had to go look in the mirror at my geriatric self ( Matron in Distress?) after I said that! But laughing is good.

    Rissa, apparently the two of us are not alone either. I hope that you can get your roof done soon.

    Our roof got the finishing touches this AM, and our contractor was here yesterday morning to make sure that all was correct in the lay of the new roof. He also said that getting roofers out on a job was very hard because they just had too much work to get done at this time. Everyone wants a roof at the same time, but I didn't think of Katrina. Yes, that is where a lot of them must be, from all over the country.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..