"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

A wee rant

This is a very bad mud job on this window. I am hoping that this is only temporary. Also there is no hot water, I am dirty, my hair is dirty, and I can't take a shower til the morning. I am "Stinky, reeky, and I don't feel cute", as one of the Frontier House lassies was lamenting to the camera. Mud is what you put on a wall or, in this case, around a window to smooth out everything. This herky jerky thang has to stay up there til Monday when it will have dried like a rock, and it's not the only item in question, and the contractor has a gander at it. I think a big rum and coke would help but there is no coke in the fridge. Believe me, I am close to having a Rum and Rum to take care of what would pass as PMS, but there is no pre anything involved for me anymore.  Posted by Picasa


  1. OOO Frontier House. I loved that series!! I would love to think that I could have lived in that time, but I think - like you - that just 2 days of no hot water and only lye soap to boot, would send me into a cranky rant as well = ) The travertine is beautiful and hopefully the imperfections you see now will all smooth out in the final applications. Just remember life's simple pleasures... hot water and Coke (to go with your rum!!!)

  2. Believe me, darlin Annie, I am getting Coke and sticking it in the fridge this very afternoon.

    I got my reeky self out of bed, mopped up the tile in the entry and hall, and jumped into a nice Lonnnnnnng hot shower this am.


  3. PS. It does look much better in the remodeled bathroom this am. I love the travertine and know that only the VERY rich get the straight walls (when a house is built) anyway. LOL....


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..