"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What's been happening.

I cough too much when I lie down so I'm just going to stay up all night.

Three days into this strange virus, that has found it's way into my chest, I fell in the dark and bruised a knee cap,my calf, a hip and a boob. I think a box corner nailed the last one. I have to stop falling and probably will when I can no longer walk. Yes? There is a solution to every problem in this world! Halleluja!

But, with all this enforced resting, the two wildfoote socks are up to the heel, and I hope to have the gussets in by tomorrow and to be knitting the foot shortly after that. They are sure coming along well.

The spinning is monstrous. I can't get any of the fiber to go into a yarn that will stay together, so out come the spindles tomorrow and I will try out this box of cursed fiber on the Goldring. The old fashion way will tell me a few things about the fiber. I've got two pounds of it, free, that came with the wheel, and by gosh and by golly, I am going to spin that mess of hair UP.

Val Scott says it can be done, my daughter says it can be done, and so it will be done! I've been running clockwise draws and twists up my leg to get the yarn to attach to the commercial yarn and then to the leader, and it looks like it's going to make it onto the bobbin intact. But, it just FOOSTS out at the last minute and will not make yarn. I never let the wheel go back counter-clockwise, the yarn on my leg is twisted clockwise and for some reason a demon in the wheel is biting it off I tell you! If I ever see that demon, I'm sending him to the Artic Circle to harvest me some Quivit. It's only fair.


  1. "it just FOOSTS out at the last minute and will not make yarn"
    Oh, you don't need any more aggravation! Tie a knot in it! Just go ahead and knot the yarn to the leader, hand-wind it around the bobbin till it's not in the way, and keep going. And please stop crashing into things, will ya? Feel better soon, too.

  2. Yup, twist a piece of your fibre with your fingers till you have a yarn three or four inches long then tie it to the leader. Less tidy, less "perfect" but it works. Put a bit more twist into the fibre and then let it wind on. You`re using that Louet, yes? Loosen off the brake band completely and it won`t grab the yarn too fast.

    IT CAN BE DONE! (I`ve said so, apparently, so it`s got to be true!)

    (And try some arnica for these bruises. ;-) )


  3. BTW, I was reading back through your wheel saga and came across your problem with the leader loops being on the wrong end of your bobbins. ?? I had to go look at mine to see what you were talking about. You mean the loops are at the whorl end?
    It doesn`t matter. The older Louet bobbins have only two whorls, one on EACH end. So the leader loop is on the "wrong" end 50% of the time, whatever "wrong" means. So just pass the leader to the hook directly opposite the loop and start there. No law to say at which end you have to start filling a bobbin.


  4. Oh geez that sounds complicated. But it sounds like you've gotten expert advice above!
    Please take care and be careful, ok ;-)

  5. Karen, thanks, I am finally getting better but needed some help. Happily we have insurance and I could pop into my doctor for it.

    Jane and Val, your help has put yarn on the bobbin. Thanks so much!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..