"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, February 24, 2006

The skinny on the felting.

I was about ready to go out and flag down some cars in the street but the washer and dryer did the trick. Now I will knit this up on smaller needles - those pink elephantines are size 13- and that will make a nice tight fabric when felted. I have the wrong sort of washer- front loader- for this I've been told but the experiment came out so well that my washer gets an A+. Dryers never fail to felt woolens, it seems, so no kudos there. Rissa, it sure did shrink the most in height!

Also, you may all be interested to know that the horrible smell is gone. The washings did it so I am thinking it really was in the dye that was used. Anything made from this yarn will be a "wash separately only" item.


  1. I have never felted anything, it is on my to do list. Looking forward to seeing some pics.

  2. Hi Sharon, you must try felting. I can be the guinea pig, and I promise picture success or failure. BTW, your knitting is pretty inspirational. =0) Lordy, that Gnome is a cutie!

    Trish, what does a 20 something male know? hehe.. But, honestly the front loader I have did well with the other stuff in there kicking the swatch around. We will see how that purse felts up.

    And hey, congrats on your first washer and dryer. Way cool! You will get spoiled not having to run out to a laundryroom or laundromat. ;o) Oh, the van thing? I'm sure it was a joke. I read it in spinlist about 9 years ago and never forgot it! It's that mental picture thinga. hehe

  3. I almost always learn from my mistakes. LOL I can't wait to see pictures!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..