"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

A few little things

Sharon and Trish asked about some things in comments and I thought that some others might be interested to know about them, too. The first is that origin of my spinning wheel, and the other was the coding for the percentage bars.

Hi Sharon, they are cute bars and they go in like a dream. The author of the script tells you exactly where in your own source code template to put the java script that sets up the program, and where to look for the side bar addition area in the template to add the side bar headers for your percentage bars. He gives you the code for the lines that create the bars.

This page : Colors

has been my source for color numbers to use in this and other web pages I've made. I used it to get the colors I liked in all the places in my page code, including the percentage bars. It's fun to play with colors and is pretty simple to copy and paste them into the code of your web page.

Ah, Ms. Lilly Murphy. My spinning wheel is a louet S75DT, and I bought that sort of wheel because my daughter has a louet and I got to spin on it when we visited and liked very much. I wanted a traditional look, too.

I bought it off the web because, firstly, we were travelling, and secondly , because I heard so much good stuff, all true, about Copper Moose. The owner has been kind and answered all my questions patiently. I had no trouble replacing a wheel that had a split spoke. Everything went smoothly. I adore that smooth running little wheel. She named herself, as wheels will do. I could almost hear my mother's voice saying the name, but I'm sure it was my imagination. Mother was very droll. Her first name was Lilly. Email me, if you like, for more details.

Trish, the script is all in my page code, and you can see it by going to the top bar of the browser, and looking for the "View" tab.

Click on that tab for the drop down menu, and then click on the word "source". It will show the source code for any web page on the web that you are currently viewing.

You can see where I have all the stuff that the java script writer said to put into my blog and where it is inserted.

It's really easy to put it into your page, test it. and then not commit if you don't like it. Don't click on "save my changes" after you've previewed it. But let me say that you won't see anything unless it's all in place first.

I'd be happy to help you change yours but yours is really nice. It's got pleasant colors, you're good at putting pictures in it, and it's fun and easy to read. As Lanea said in the KR, you develop your own voice over time. I love your blog.

Changing colors gets a little tricky when you have to find the "one" place to change it in the "several". That's what took the most time in mine, finding all the parts. My blog has cascading style sheets, which basically must mean something like, if you do this color or Font here, you can have it carried throughout all the pages you make that are connected by the style sheets. Don't quote me. It's like taking something from Greek to something my brain could understand, all by myself. But I do think that is what cascading style sheets are.

Email me. We can trade tweaks. It's pretty fun if you save all your source code in a document in notepad, you can't lose your page. Just cut and paste it into a notepad and save it. I didn't do that once and oh was that a mistake.

Yukon Leaves sock pictures didn't get taken today because I was up all night last night til 7 am working on several things, and ended up sleeping at the wrong time of day to get a picture in natural light. They will be up tomorrow, unless the roof falls in on us. Hopefully that won't happen.


  1. Holy crow - you have learned a lot! Very impressive :-)

  2. Trish, there are some people on Blog Talk forum at the KR who know alot about coding, and about blogger. If you ask a question there are search the archives, you will find a treasure trove. I can send you some of my URLs that helped me, too. A few bells and whistles are handy.

    Karen, I've had so much fun. A lot of people have given me ideas and I looked at quite a few HTML web pages at Webtech, too. The color page thing is fabulous and my DD's told me about that. They take programming classes and one is a graphic designer using CAD. She told me about cascading style sheets and gave me some URLs. Secretly I think they worry my brain will turn to dust. hehe


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..