"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

New things in the side bar. The cool little percentage bars! Yeay!

It has taken my a long time in my semi narcotic state to find and create these little darling progress bars.

But, I went to this Wonderful Place called "Unlikely Words/ Semi Sweet Morsels" and picked up the HTML for the progress bars. I've had a lot of fun doing this tweaking so late at night without my soft tech for any sort of guidance at all. If you knew me, you would know that I am not fearless when tweaking code.

The socks are coming along at a fast pace and their pictures will be up tomorrow with all the needles akimbo and my last holiday's nail polish still glowing on the toes, but I don't want to wait to take a picture. Who knows what a new day will bring. It could be chaos. Or do we live in chaos and just hope we can have order? No, I drink no spirits but I do take the dreaded herbs made from cone flowers. If it was good enough for my Native American ancestors, it is good enough for me. How else did they get to sleep with all their worries? Well before, that is, there was firewater which put you to sleep all the time especially when signing treaties. Oh is that a political thought.. Gah! out! out!

The sweater has apologized to me, profusely, and Rissa has given me a clue about how to keep 86 different lines of a project straight with a trick on her blog. Thank you Rissa! Anywho, the sweater gets to see the light of day again, and the spinning wheel is feeling the full force of my love now that small episodes of smooth and truly beautiful yarn are spinning onto the bobbin.


  1. Humm, herbs from cone flowers. At least they aren't poppies!! Hehe!! Good to hear the spinning and sweater are in a happier place.

  2. Yes, we have no poppies- tra la- but I was looking at the Icelandic ones a few days ago and wishing I'd set them out a month ago. They are such pretty flowers. Thanks for the good knitting wishes. Have fun today looking over the new yarns at the LYS?

    I had it all wrong about this herb, it's not cone flowers (or echinacea) but Valerian root. *Tells self, "You might take it but do you know where it's BEEN??") It does not work very well!

    I spent the up time wisely, though, raising my sword craft to the new all time high of q210 in the south of my hometown, and digging mats at the GoC on the SS side. Got to bed at 7 am and slept through "A Town Like Alice".

  3. Love your %bars, someone passed the link on to me and I love to do the same.

    I am eyeing off your spinning wheel, I am learning how at the moment on a large traditional wheel but as I live in a small house I would like to invest one like yours. Any info would be greatly appreciated;)

  4. Was it the note card trick? :-D

    I have always used the Color Schemer Online to pick colors for my web stuff. :-D

  5. Yes Rissa, it was the note card trick. What a clever Idea!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..