"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Where I am spinning my designer yarns

I went back at it for another 20 minutes, after the first 20 minutes, and got a respectable amount of yarn on the bobbin. I mean you can see that it's more than there was in the first picture way back when in the blog. This is fun! It's really fun! Fun that is until the twist gets up into the drafting zone and the lumps are travelling down the twist toward the oriface and there is absolutely NOTHING I CAN DO TO STOP THEM!  Posted by Picasa


  1. It sounds complicated - spinning that is.
    Sorry to hear about that thumb not wanting to play with the rest of your fingers :-(

  2. Happily, the thumbs recover quickly if you don't insult them beyond their limits.

    Being a spindle spinner helps, and it's not hard to get all the actions together after awhile. Practice and patience will get the sort of yarn you want over time. I keep telling myself that if little seven year old children can learn this, I sure better not be a quitter. hehe =0)

  3. If you start getting a lump, stop, spin backwards a little to untwist it, stop, then pull the lump out. If all else fails unwind the bobbin to the lump, break it off then rejoin.

    Anyway, they ain`t lumps, they`re slubs...;-) Slubs are *designer*....

  4. Val, thank you! I will try that the next time one of the "mice" starts to go up the yarn to the oriface. Slubs sounds really good.

    Designer Slubs.. *makes a mental picture of dyeing wool with lots of slubs in it.* =o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..