"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Well, there ain't gonna be a Birch after all.

I did better research. The Kiri, which was designed from an old Shetland leaf pattern by All Tangled Up, or at least by someone named Polly, is going to be what I use. Birch, though beautiful is going to cost a bundle. I'm not up to spending a bundle at the moment on a pattern. Maybe for Christmas I can get the magazine, but not right now. I'll save my pennies. Maybe I should just count the ones in the jar? hehe


  1. The Kiri is just beautiful. I pulled up the Birch and saw that it was a beginner level. Do you think that would be a good lace pattern for me to start with? Looking for some ideas as I don't seem to be too excited about this shell I'm knitting. Just much too plain and boring for me right now! I guess I'm ready to move up.

  2. Hi there.. Kiri and Birch are both based from the same leaf motif, but it's Birch that's actually harder to do because you cast on over 200 stitches and work back to a point. It is a beginner level pattern, I'd say, but you have to keep track of all those stitches and kid haze isn't an easy yarn to frog if you have a mistake. Definitely use a life line, a line like fishing line strung through lower than you are knitting and keep moving it up. That way you can rip back just a few rows if you need to. You just don't want to have to do it more than a couple of times. Knowing these two things will help you do this beautiful shawl. The baby feather and fan that I did is easier by far, simpler repeats, easier yarn, for a beginner.

    The Kiri shawl at All Tangled up, starts at the point, is beautiful, free off the web, and I think I'll like it just as well. I am saving up for my garden and the kitchen and can't see myself buying a $21 pattern very soon. =0)

  3. same reason why i didn't buy that book just for that shawl.....


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..