"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stolen from Rho, who is less weird it seems! Why me???

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!


  1. Man! I was taking this and answering honestly (which is part of the fun) and I kept thinking "you are such a wimp."

    The darned thing said I was 70% Weird!!! Being a little strange is a good thing, but that weird is not! Oh well, I'm to old to change so I might as well enjoy.

  2. Lol Meribeth!

    I think that they know we want to be a little weird and a little evil so they make sure of the results.

    They know that it's no fun for us to find out that we aren't weird or evil! heehee

  3. The way I look at it is that with me as Weird it entertains the neighbors and gives them something to cluck about.

    I DO have a lovely next door neighbor, with a spectacular sycamore in her front yard. I want to climb into that tree and I know she would give me the permission. I think I will! Would that increase my level of Weird??? Wanna join me????

  4. Oh yes, tree climbing by anyone over 25, unless they are botanists, definitely increases the weirdness factor. heehee

    But the neighbors on all sides would be entertained. Just wear striped bloomers to increase the special effect.

    Our neighbors were all so straight laced when we moved it. DH with a beard and me with my counterculture clothing and long curly dark hair must have raised the red flags. I think they may have thought we were growing something funny in the back yard, or else I was at least a witch. heehee. We were befriended by the lovely couple across the street who where sort of outcasts, too. And of course, all the kids who were teen's in full rebellion. They thought we were cool.

  5. Here I am trying to catch up on things once again -- I may be less weird but I am waaay more evil than you .... bwaahahahah

  6. Rho, you are indeed soooooo very eviiiillllllll!

    Is that why you are such a good cook, all that practice over the big cauldron's? All those secret recipes? Love potions?

    When I was out and about, I found the perfect twig for a magic wand. I will polish it and take it's picture. I really mean to make everyone jealous of my good fortune. It fell from a very crooked tree, which must be cursed. Where, I will not say.

    Oh yes, before I forget, Happy Halloween. Buhahahahahaha!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..