"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm glad it's Friday

I want to say that we, my family, all understand what anyone connected to the Virginia Tech tragedy is going through. We went through a school shooting in 1979. My heart goes out to all the students, family and friends, faculty and staff at Virginia Tech. My prayers are with you forever and ever.

My sister comes today, if she is well enough; she does her grocery shopping and then comes over for lunch and a good chin wag. Last week she was ill on Friday and slept til 12:30. We had a phone chat to take the place of lunch, tea and chocolate at my house. S is for Sister, and I will do that soon. This has been an emotional hell week for everyone in my family.

The trekker colors came yesterday and I posted them in their pretty colors. Two of the colors I know now I want por moi. =o) Remember, clicking on any picture here will enlarge it. And you can close the window and still have this page up. R, G or J, do you like any of the trekker colors for some socks? Just let me know, kk?

The other knitting news is that the glove just had to be frogged back. There was this odd little hole where one of the purl stitches should be, and I thought it would just pull out, with a little tweaking and tugging, to be a normal stitch. So, I kept going. Well, I tugged and tweaking and then noticed that there was something very strange about that stitch. It had a nub on it that wasn't normal. It was a mutant. What had happened is that I turned the work and started knitting backwards and that left this funny twisted stitch and a hole that had no cure, other than frogging back to it and starting again. The glove is back to the what the picture showed when it was first started.

We might get rain today which would be a very good blessing for Cal. The Sunflare rose must have 40 buds on it and a good soaking rain will be needed. I'm going to try to grow roses in containers again - indeed I poured and fired some very large pots one of which is usually in the garden pics sitting empty. Sue Woo is a quiet rose wizard and she made some recommendations for growing roses in pots on her blog,her April 13th post's comments. I really need my Garden to do well this year. It's time to replace what was lost during the drought in the 80's as far as container plants go.

I wish you all Peace in your lives, not as the world gives it, because we generally have figured out that the world isn't entirely interested in Peace, or at least the most powerful, in terms of money, power and postion are not. May you all walk with Beauty all around you.


  1. It has been such a sad week for all of us. I feel weary from all the violence at VT and worn out by all the TV pundits and their sometimes......most times, ignorant analysis of this tradgedy.

    We all need a break from tradgedy and the pain we've gotten used to.

    We all need some soul rest I think.

    We weren't built for this kind of crap.

  2. It is all so sad -- I have put myself on a news blackout -- I can't stand to watch it without feeling so upset.

    Have been working in my back room on and off all day (doing 5 minutes at a time - ya know the fibro thing too well) and can see a difference and now I am working on my second sock.

    Hoope you were able to get together with your sister and she was up to it and you had a great chat and lots of laughs.

  3. Trish, no we aren't built for all this crap. With all the news about every tragedy around the world piled onto the daily news just from one continent, we are almost always in overload.

    Rho, I'm glad to hear that you are making progress with your goals even though small ones. We sometimes are only crawling, but we are moving. I'm on news black out for now, too. I'm not even knitting, just reading. Escaping and watching for those bits of beauty that are always there.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..