"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Knitting Blahs

I have a bad case of them. I did take the socks to the Social Security Office a week ago, and got a smile and nod of approval from a male teenager in a base ball cap. I imaging that he might even have some handmade socks his mother or grandma made for him. I've been reading some Sarah Caudwell, and Elizebath George Mysteries to pass the time. If you like a good mystery that really keeps you guessing, and makes you think towards the end that nearly all the adult characters are slighty psycho, try EG's The Hiding Place. Sarah Caudwell is always a good read.

So, there are no pictures of anything to do with knitting. There will be one to come of hummingbird sightings in the yard, but no actual clicking of knitting needles.

We have had several hawks coming into the garden to check out the availability of food sources. The doves, finch, and sparrows made themselves scarce. Usually the first clue there IS a hawk on the fence, or circling around, is the little birds hide or fly pell mell into the Cape Honeysuckle of cover. The Kestral caught a sparrow and took it to the top of the telephone pole in the street to eat it. I didn't watch.

A Red Shouldered Hawk came to look around, as well as a Sharp Shinned Hawk. The bigger hawks favorite ploy is to fly low over the fence tops to see what they can scare up off the ground.

Here, above, is a bird feeder scene, to amuze the hummingbird lovers..... It was taken by my brother.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..