"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Worried about the Economy? This man can explain it all.. almost... hehehe


  1. I have a scene from Monty Python. Imagine, me sitting here, typing this comment. And on my head is a handkercheif, with little knots tied at he corners..so it looks like a cap. I am saying "My brain hurts, it's got to come out."

    For some reason, what he was saying sounds familiar.

  2. Hahahaha! Larjmarj, my reaction entirely! Where IS my little Tin Foil Hat with the earflaps???

    That's called Econobabble, Meribeth, and we've heard soooo much of it recently. Be sure, now, both of you to wear those beaded and feathered tin foil helmets , the ones that all the knitter's made in the last few months, to combat this barrage. It will be a blessing to your brain, which must not, under any circumstances, be compromised. Be sure to add protective ear flaps of double knitted copper wire.

  3. Zoomie Hats! Exactly what is called for. But since I really dislike ear flaps, how about a jewel studded i-pod playing Pete Seeger and Queen...with a little Carmina Burana tossed in?!

    Now where's my glue gun?

  4. I'll loan you mine! heehee Jewel studded Ipods are so IN! Let's do it!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..