"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

School Lunch Blog

I'm adding a button in an awfully long side bar, so it will be at the top, for THIS blog by Ann Cooper and Deborah Lehmann.   You can see who they are HERE

Since what the kids in this country eat is of top importance, and a lot of them eat at school cafeterias, I really feel this is a topic of the first importance.  This is the "second start" of healthy eating for our kids, the first being a healthy start at home.  They all need to have a top notch diet from the Get Go when they are still at home, but they need that continued at schools. 

Oh, and I am trying to wrangle that side bar.  Sorry that it's so long.  I'm going to move links away from it pretty soon.

Today I'm knitting socks and watching a brit com.. well it's sort of funny, but more like a soap opera with scenery.  It's called, "Monarch of the Glen".  It's how I'm staying sane, mostly, and I like old country mansions.   And I LOVE Scotland.  Please, no one tell me that it's actually filmed in the Dales? 

The socks are for socktoberfest in Rav, and they are Yukon Leaves with some solar dyed yarn  Lovely colors of the sea from Ceallach Yarns .  AKA kdcrowley on the KR.  She's great!


  1. just this week (Wed) the NYTimes had an article on school lunches (90% of the schools in NYC don't have a real cook, and there is almost no precooked food that is not used..

    but one lunch lady makes up curry (and adds what ever veggies she can find, and cut up pre cooked chicken..(and her indian sub continent students eat it up..)

    her kitchen is a collection of steam pans (but she can make curry sauce in a steam pan!)

    I didn't eat lunch in school till HS and often brown bagged then (though i qualified for free lunch) but the lunches were pretty sad.

  2. What a great lady to make fresh food and especially for some kids that probably weren't being served anything to their liking. The cafeterias here, all meals are pre-cooked and sent out from a central kitchen, or were when I was an IA. sad!

    As a grammar school student,I worked in a school cafeteria-workers got free lunches. At that time, the staff still cooked everything. The food was pretty good, and I actually liked it. Times have changed. But, they are starting to change back and, hopefully, will accelerate.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..