"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Update on the African Violets

Mother and babies are doing well....

Finally a little leaf! It has taken this long for the leaf cutting to sprout a baby plant at it's base, and of course I uprooted it awhile back, thinking it had expired. I discovered that it had, indeed, grown roots but no plant. Now there is a tiny plant at the base.


All the plants together. It took forever before the mother stem decided to grow much more than a couple of pathetic tiny leaves but here we are now, and this looks like a healthy top. Yay! See, it just takes time, love and the right stuff to grow in.

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Today is Human Rights Day and In that regard, I'm writing out the rest of my Amnesty Write-a-thon letters.  Starting the Christmas cards, tomorrow.

The Christmas trees go up tomorrow. Christmas spirit has flagged this year but it's starting to come together. At last! We went to the Rock hound's Club Xmas party, as well as the Ceramic's club Xmas party last week, and the Grinch came and hung around a little.

I thought the Grinch was never going to let go of me this year! Yesterday, three of us loaded and started the last kiln of the year - the last of the glaze pieces, and tomorrow I will show you what loading a kiln looks like in a little series of pictures.

The knitting is inching along, literally. fran's (KR) 10 minute rule is working! Bless all our knitting angels, so many now that they surely have a good circle going up there in Heaven. The pets all lie upon the hearth rug, and the comfy chairs all in a semi circle around the big fire place with little tea/coffee tables close at hand. And, of course, Spinning wheels, rovings in rainbow colors, and endless supplies of yarn. Knitter's heaven. The needles are all crystalline and light as a feather, and they change size/type and length with just a thought. There is no better light than in Heaven I think.

We put the new oak headboard on the bed and flipped the mattress, too. This is a California King pillow top, so imagine flipping that with two injured wrists between the two of us. We also had to drill holes in that sucker. It's heavy! DH said, well, at least we have two good wrists. I say, is that a good attitude or what? Anyway, it's beautiful and dust free! My doctor will be very happy when we dust proof that room completely. She said the bookshelves have to go, and I said, "No! Not the books!"

We had the headboard built by a cabinet maker. I love this thing. He did a great job! It replaces a foam and quilt covered one that I made. Achoo! When we replace the tatty bedraggled lamp shades, I'll take a piccie and share.

Oh we had a little Earthquake today in the morning. Scared the dog! It sort of scared me a little but I think it's because the last one we had shook everything so much. lol

Have a great evening, y'all! I think we are going to go kill some more monsters and then go watch Christmas Story. hehe


  1. I always thought African Violets were finicky, but I found them to be foolishly easy to propagate. I guess that like all plants they are easy to grow where they are happy and impossible to please in the wrong location.

    I wish you and your household a merry and joyful season, including a new year full of happy surprises.

  2. Thank you Ellen. I wish you the same good things for the Holiday Season, and for the coming year. Many Blessings!

    I just love African Violets. As you say, they are amazing little plants if they get what they want. I'm going to try to grow them under fluorescent light this winter, try to get them to bloom better, I mean.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..