"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Tails, a stolen meme, Day Six of the August Happiness Challenge, and a Skywatcher Post

Stolen meme:

From the blog, Sweet Memes

Since I'm a pushover for hearts anywhere I find them.... this sponge against the bisque-baked deer, for instance...

the predisposition to choose hearts likely explains my result,  or maybe not.  The world "Quixotic" seems to fit my world view.    I've tried to link the eyeball, below, to the site but couldn't figure out how to do it.  *sighs*  The link back is in those big BLUE words.

"You are an idealist and a romantic. You don't care much about how the world currently is... you think about how it should be.
You have a vision for yourself, your friends, and possibly even the planet. This goes so far beyond a fairytale ending.

You see the world in its ideal state. You know it isn't there yet ... or even close. But it could be!
You have high expectations for everyone and everything. You don't know why people aren't as committed to betterment as you are.

The world sees you as sweet but possibly naive. They may find you simple, but you don't understand why they complicate things.   People are surprised by how consistent and optimistic you are about getting the world and life you want. You refuse to give up hope."

Actually, I am a LOT happier since I've given up trying to initiate change in a world which I now see as something run by puppeteers who love power and money more than their first born children.

So, let's just have some animal pictures to cheer us all up, and count for:

Day Five SIX of the Challenge!
(Heck, I can't count. and obviously can't read a calendar!)
This is Jay holding an sweet little 8 week old pit puppy who was out for a walk with his family.  Jay usually doesn't smile when a camera is pointed her way, but she forgot that her sister is a camera nut, and very sneaky!   She loves animals and would love to have a dog.

Churchy saw his newest babies for the first time the other day, and here he is snuggling up with Milagro, the biggest of the two new babies.  By "New" I mean those born this century. hehe  It makes me happy that we have them but glad there will not be any more! 

Churchy sniffed the babies but didn't bob his head at them or try to bite them. 
Mother Poko Ono treated them like they were strangers, which is the Tortoise way of insuring that the kids stay well away from Mom.

Saturday was a sale day at the library, and DH scored two wonderful books, one about animals.

It's always a treasure to find a Farley Mowat book, and I look forward to reading it soon.  Right now I'm reading the second one, Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin.  Wolfie very graciously offered his backside as a prop.  I love the way Temple Grandin writes.  I'm still waiting for the other book I'm supposed to be reading to arrive!

Finally,  Skywatcher,  taken at Dusk,  a week or so ago:

We've been having the most unusual weather - it's perfect weather anywhere in the world, but unusual for August in Cali.
Hope your days are going well.  Remember, when your thinking is way out of control, that "It's only a thought" , and, usually it is.    You deserve to be in control of your thoughts.  You deserve this respite!


  1. That idea came just when I needed it. "It's only a thought"! How quickly those thoughts get away from us.

  2. I am with Jay in wanting dog companionship. We do have a seeing eye dog in our house but she is a working dog and on her off time she doesn't want to leave her "person." I get vicarious doggie companionship from reading the "Chet & Bernie" series and the "Magic" series. Totally fun reading!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..