"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oh dear, is it finally over? Resolutions for the one in diapers.......

As I listen to my DD play her fiddle, I'm happier.

I also changed the *#%$ font that will never show a comma or an exclamation mark!  But I digress....

I'm glad that 2013 is over, for me, my kids, and for the rest of the world.

Tiny list of resolutions, some of which are returning.. Gah!

1) I resolve to keep becoming what I'm becoming.

2) I also resolve to finish the three sweaters and make more socks, especially some for DD1 who needs socks made from cashmere or silk.  I know just the pattern, which I printed it out years ago.  I can't find it on the web anymore or I'd share it.  It's a  pretty pink sock with a lacy top.  Do you know it?

3) I will keep getting rid of things I don't need anymore.  I'll always be a crafter, but there are things I don't have to keep anymore so I'll sell them OFF!

4) Get the rest of my emotional threadlets under control to use them properly.

That's probably enough for a recovering biped's upper limbs to handle.  Yay!

These Sun Flare Roses popped up last weekend, absolutely the last Roses for 2013.  The roses (2-big deal) have been pruned.

If anything gets you down, anything at all, just think of the Sky, the Stars, and our beautiful moon.  The Moon that makes the tides work, and influences the rhythms of life, making all things work here on earth.  And remember that the Earth re-balances itself no matter what- because it's proven that it will.  Woe to he who stands in it's way.  Peace to Everyone else.

Wishing you a peaceful and abundant 2014.  A sufficiency of all good things is wished for you all.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..