"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pretentious living, through literature and films?

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Since time is changing tonight, I'm slapping this up today!  Remember, Spring Ahead!  Don't ask where THAT will take you.  You don't really want to know.

March 8, 2014
The Meme With No Name
Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme.

Let's go!!!   From Arynmay

1. Have you ever pretended to read a book to impress someone?  
To be honest, there was never anyone, EVER, interested enough in me to pay attention to what I was reading.  The only one who even noticed that I was reading was in a college silversmithing class.  He thought I looked very peaceful reading my book before class.  He was such a nice professor.

2. Have you ever pretended not to read a book in order to avoid embarrassment?
There is no way I would ever sacrifice reading in order to avoid embarrassment.  Are you talking about the something like The Kamasutra?  hehehe  Never read it, even in private! lol

3. What’s your worst reading habit?
I'm trying to figure this one out.  Is it a "reading in the shower" sort of thing, or a "reading reaaally naughty books with pictures" sort of thing, or maybe "eating chocolate while reading", which to my view is a capital offense right up there with "eating something with spaghetti sauce while reading"?  Inquiring minds wish to know. ;o)

4. What book are you most proud of having read?
Proud, hmmm?  I'm old and have had the time to do many things, so maybe proud doesn't apply here.  I have read the complete Bible in five different translations, the Koran twice, and I've read the entire History of Western Civilization by the Durants.

5. Do you buy most of your books new, second-hand, electronically or borrow via the library?
Second hand and the Library.  We couldn't afford my book habit if  I bought new ones, though I did belong to the book of the month club for ages from High school through my thirties.  It was a wonderful way to get books like the Durant volumes and some awesome Art History book series'.

6. Have you ever pretended to watch a film to impress someone?
Nah.  Is this sort of like a modern fairy tale thing?  Is this what people actually do now?  I'm very interested in this if it is a new form of dating or something.  And, about the Life of Pi.  I read the book and loved the movie.  I'm sort of sure that some people pretended to like it, though.  It was gorgeous but a little obtuse.

7. Have you ever pretended not to have watched a film in order to avoid embarrassment?
No, but I have shut OFF movies to avoid embarrassment.

8. What movie have you watched the most?
"Milagro Beanfield War".  I've had it a long time and still love it.  I did quit reading the book out of disgust, however.  I won't be a spoiler here, but let's just say that one of the characters I loved in the movie I came to loath in the book.  I didn't even KNOW there was a book until my kid gave it to me to read; but if it had been read first, I'd never have watched the movie.  

9. What film do you tell people is your favorite ever?
See the above.  BUT, listen, please.  I have so many favorites, so all time favorites are sort of off the charts, as in "too many to list".  But "Amalie" is one of my new favorites as well as "Sequins" and "Bread and Tulips".  I love "Moon Over Parador", "Men in Black" and "Cold Comfort Farm".  There's so many more.  Someday I could make a long list and post it if everyone else did.  We could trade movies titles like we trade book titles!  We could overload the Netflix computers with requests!

10. What film is actually your favorite ever?
I thought we just ran through this?  hmmm?  Oh well, see #8 and #9.  Princess Bride, and about a thousand other films come to mind.  I'm such a Film freak that you'd probably do better asking about what I HATED, but that might be for another time.  The odd thing is that I actually was one of those kids who got to go to the movies a couple times a month on the weekend, when it cost a quarter to get in.  I took my little brother and we smuggled in our grapes and apples.  Two hours away, peeking into a different world. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

11. What time do you usually wake up and get up in the mornings?
Lately, because of all the Hubbub, I've been getting up at 6 am.  I did that for years and years, since high school.  When I didn't have to anymore, I sort of just got to be a slob about schedules.  It is so much fun to read until you fall asleep at night, ya know?

12. Do you wake naturally or does something/someone wake you up?
The trash trucks and the "mow and blow" guys that other people have doing their yards wake me up sometimes.  That's not too naturally, but it is environmental.

13. How many snooze alarms do you need?
I come up swinging when an alarm clock wakes me up, so I don't hit any snooze.  I've always sort of wanted one of those alarm clocks you can throw against a wall.  I've been very kind and forgiving to my dainty little alarm clock.  Anyway, a snooze button wouldn't be of any use.

14. What’s your routine on a workday/work at home morning?
Being retired has it's advantages. Mornings are blissful non-shock and awe events.  They only get hairy if there is a mad dash somewhere for a big ToDo.

15. What’s your routine on a non-workday morning?
 I wake up, say good morning to DH in the other room, who then asks me what kind of tea I want.  I go visit the little room, get back to bed to cuddle up with Wolfie, who gets back on the bed at that time.  He helps me with the crossword puzzles.  He's amazingly patient about being asked dumb questions- ones like, "What the *#$% are they using that word to mean that for??!"

Wishing you all both Hope and some measure of happiness this coming week.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and close at heart.

One of the Moreas, in the Rain


  1. I wish I could come up swinging at the sound of the alarm! Then I wouldn't have to set my alarm so early. I have to set it extra early because I press snooze so many times. :P So if I could just wake up at the sound of the alarm, I could probably get a few more minutes of good sleep!

    1. Two ways to get around snooze alarms:put the clock in the bathroom, so that you have to get out of bed and go into the next room to shut it off. Or, have some one come in and pour cold water on your face when THEY hear the alarm. DH was so hard to get up in the morning when he was a teen, his mother would go in to his room and pull the covers off him so he would get cold and get up, but not without him getting madder than a wet hen. lol

  2. I enjoyed your answers. I am so not a morning person, but admire those who are.

    1. Thank you for that, CountryDew. I've slowly slipped away from being a morning person over time. Now I'm an insomniac!

  3. I definitely get where you're coming from on #11. I work on the school schedule and as soon as we're on any kind of extended break (Christmas or summer) I am back to staying up late and sleeping in within about 2 days.

    1. Hi Stacy. It is a great pleasure to just read until I fall asleep. When we were raising kids I was so exhausted at the end of the day that I fell asleep easily. Being old has it's privileges and reading in bed is one of them!.

  4. Love your answer to #10. That was me and books. :)

    1. Hi, Kathy W, I can see the great appeal of both, really. Books were always #1 for me for most of my life, but Films are a lot of fun, too. Books and movies are escapes from reality, so what people need to stay sane in the world, imho

  5. I love vacation when I don't have to get up with an alarm.

    1. Yay for vacations! I've been having to be a "morning person" for a few weeks, and it's so not me nowadays. Like you and Stacy, I used to live for school vacations, lol Bliss!

  6. I can relate to the shutting off movies thing...

    1. Oh, yes! Good to hear from another shutter down! I used to watch them no matter what. Now they are GONE if they displease me. There's so much to choose from now. =) Yay!

  7. Have you seen Dave? It's an updated version of Moon over Paradour. One of my favorites. Also agree with you about Life of Pi

    1. Hey there Bev, I didn't know that about "Dave", Yes, I've seen it at least six times, and we own it. "Dave" is a great feel good movie. Ah, you are another "Life of Pi" was gorgeous and obtuse" person.One ting I do know, it was certainly controversial. lol

  8. I've been an early riser most of my life but since I seldom need to get up for work anymore I do tend to sleep in until 7:00 or 7:30. If I sleep later the dogs get me up to fix their breakfast. I like to get up before The Little Woman goes to work so we have a few minutes together before we start our days.

    One of the major deciding features in whether or not a movie becomes one of my favorites these days is that the plot does not turn on violence or use murder even off screen as entertainment. It does drop many otherwise good movies out of regular rotation.

    1. Hi Ellen, both work and school make us into little robots who need alarm clocks, I think. There is a newish study that shows that we humans actually aren't long hours sleepers. Our natural rhythms are more attuned to long naps, some longer than others. Some movies are just too violent, even spoofs, to watch though I did love Red and Red 2. Both John Malcovich's and Helen Mirren's characters were hilarious.

  9. Those trash trucks are a ruddy nuisance, aren't they? Ours is now starting to come at 7am......!! *fume*

    1. Ours,too, Helena but not to pick up our trash, but to use our street to orient the trucks to the next road over. grrrr! ..... *fume*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..