"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thankful Thursday.. The Generosity of Strangers.

The generosity of Strangers has rescued many a soul.  God Bless the Generous, for whom I am eternally grateful.   From the CalTrans workers who rescued my DD and friends in the desert I-10 years ago, to the neighbor who shared lovely figs with us this summer, I'm grateful.  It's the person to person things that count in so many lives, and are such a blessing.  Forget the selfish gimme - gimme going on in government and elsewhere.  It's the kindness of peers that truly can heal the cracks in a broken heart.

I laud the generous people who share How-to's and patterns at various sites, who teach others how to read, including adults who now can proudly read their children books at bed time, and those at Drops Design, who have put up their Easter Pattern Selection . It's all very cute stuff!  The patterns almost make me want to join Pinterest in order to share them!  Almost..... hehe  These are my favorites:

Socks, of course.  But there are many  cute things
Bunny pot holders

Tippy Chicks

Weather Report:  we have a little Squallish weather today so that's good.  Really, we need another nice soaking rain - more like a dozen more - but I'll be happy with what comes.   So, another gratefulness.

HERE is a collection of Squalls from painter Lynne Foy, who is wonderful.  Follow the gallery links to other painters in the New England area.  Regretting nothing, I still dream and say, ".....In another life ......"   ;o)

I'm slowly figuring out how to live with this new thing going on.  I just want to make it through to the end of May without any more DRAMA!!   Fingers crossed!   I'm intent on keeping my brain to myself and not have it out there in space somewhere doing uncharacteristic things and getting me into trouble.  I feel like a two year old - tiny, powerful, and totally MAD!  Hmmm....  Maybe I'll settle for "four year old" but absolutely not a two year old.  Four year old's know how to have fun without pissing off a bunch of people.

 Beam me up Scottie!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..