"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday, Rainwater storage and a sense of humor. Fun Stuff Day!

I'm thankful for the human sense of humor!  It can save your whole day!

This Getback video is a royal crackup.  I'll bet you've seen it but I just found it in my mail c/o of  Mr. Z.  In case any of you are one of the seven people, besides myself, who haven't seen it, I'm posting the video. Enjoy!

I'm also thankful for Rain and this system of Rainwater storage:

Mr.Z set up five barrels at the down spouts, and will add more.  This is a very clever way to catch rain water for the garden.  He figured this out, and I'm pretty proud of him.  The hoses fill the first barrel up to the top and start to drain into the others that are connected with siphoning hoses int the next barrel down the line.   Pretty Nifty, eh?!

Yes, we do have covers for these and keep them covered so thirsty birds or animals don't get trapped in them nor will those pesky mosquitoes.............
........be able to make a home for their pesky offspring!

Hang in there Friends.  There is always something to do for someone else to help them feel:
cared about,
so "worth it",
less tired and weary,
like dancing,
glad to be alive.

What I'm trying to say is there is always a job of some kind for you, even if you are the one receiving all or any of these caring things. With more of us working at this, inch by inch, the world recovers and is a better place for the kids and the animals we all love.  And, you know kids love animals.


  1. You're pretty wonderful. I'm glad I've "met" you.
    And I think "What d'ya got?" should be my new motto.

  2. Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad we "met", too. And yes, ask them what they've got, especially up their sleeves! If they are dropping rocks on our heads all the time, and trying to blame us for all the horrors they happily create, it's time to end the "free for some" that is taking us down. If we don't,we will crash and burn with them. Happy dragon riding!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..