"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Five Minute Friday, and Friday5

Five Minute Friday Prompt word this week is, "Nothing".  You can go to the Link HERE to join in the fun.

We write, flat out, for five minutes, not worrying too much about grammar or punctuation, but of course ingrained habits are hard to break, especially when one is going to publish!

Remember to leave a link to your own post at the prompt page, and also visit the blog of someone, or many someone's, who are on the link list with you.  People who write here are amazing and very diverse.  This is a fun meme.

Five Minute Friday:

The thing I remember the most about Nothing is that everything we see is mostly Nothing.  This was learned in a high school Science-Math class and was a huge surprise to me.  Remember, I went to high school in the dark ages, not long after that Atom and Hydrogen Bomb were invented.  
I'm sitting her trying to remember what else I feel about nothing, but Nothing is a very deep subject.  It is after all, about Nothing.  Nothing is what you feel when you are told that you are going to die.  You have no experience of this, and as a little child, you don't know what to feel about learning that everything dies, even your mother, and your grandmother and you.  Still you happily welcome your children into your life and hope that you won't have to have the experience of out living them, with this sort of bravado that things will all work out for the best if you pray to the right God or do everything right.  Of course it's nonsense, but that's what you do, start making little bargains with God.  Then you are actually faced with the death of someone close to you and it feels that death or Nothingness is very close indeed.  More little bargains, and then a sort of Peace.  

that's it.  five minutes.

Friday5: with a LINK to this week's Five HERE
Check out this fun meme!  Come join in the fun!  Be sure to leave a comment on the friday5 blog so that others who do this can come visit you, too!

1. What kind of campfire experience do you have?
I started camping, with campfires, when I joined Girl Scouts, and the big people started taking us camping, like in Brownies when I was in Grade School. Then my sibs and I would camp out in our woods but weren't allowed fires.  Girls Scouts after Brownies, could have campfires.  Yay!  And, then with DH and the kids, all of us are still camping out after 50 years.  Our oldest girls were only a few months old when we took them camping.  And, although DH and I have a more comfortable bed and a tiny kitchen we haul around with us, we still enjoy campfires, and cook over them, when we go out and stay in a National Forest, County camping area, or the local deserts.

2. How are you with a charcoal grill?
I still love a Hibachi.  It's my favorite little cooker.  My favorite thing to make on them is Kebabs.  But we have a small gas fired BBQ grill that DH makes the most use of when we are home.  That BBQ actually went on a camp out on Thanksgiving one year with the RockHounds.  That was really fun because, even though it rained constantly, our grill just kept right on cooking the Turkey.

3. What was the occasion for which you last lit a candle?  A couple of weeks ago I lit a candle inside one of my candle holders.  I love candlelight.  There's just something magic about those little lights.

4. What food, usually consumed cooked, do you prefer raw? (Alternate question: What food, usually consumed raw, do you prefer cooked?) 
First, the only things I eat raw are nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables.  That leaves meat, which I prefer cooked, and well cooked except for the occasional steak we eat.  Most people don't eat raw meats, so I feel in the majority here.  Lima Beans, Green beans and potatoes are about the only vegetables that I would rather eat cooked than raw.

5. What was the occasion for your last getting all fired up?  Do you mean temper-wise?  I would guess it was when we got rear ended coming home from DD's Graduation.  We were stopped in rush your traffic, and he hit us going about 20 miles and hour.  Happily, there was no damage to our Jeep, but the man who hit it was just as happy as we were, even though he got quite a lot of damage to his poor little blue car.  Bless your heart, where ever you are, Sir.

Thanks for participating, and have a sizzling weekend!


  1. Visiting from FMF..."nothing is a very deep subject." Indeed! Thanks for sharing, Angela

    1. Thanks for your visit! Nothing is deeper as a subject than Nothing. true.

  2. NOTHING....that is something big that scares me. I can't imagine NOTHING! I love raw potatoes with salt sprinkled on them

    1. I hope it doesn't come to Nothing, truly. We live in hope that this is not all there is. Oh, about potatoes, I like them that way too! Forgot because it's been so long! We used to eat all the cuttings after making stampers with potatoes in kid's crafting summers.

  3. Nothing can be painful. And sadly we do face death...ours and others. But that is not nothing. That is eternity. Unimaginably good. Bless you!

    1. I hope and pray that we are not wrong to believe this because, frankly, I am very tired at the moment. I just want to sleep and sleep and then wake up and talk to my mother, the Lord, Mother Mary, Jesus, Muhammad, the lot! I'll come back if I'm sent but I'm tired.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..