"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Are you a Yankee Doodle? Saturday Nine...

The Button for this great MEME is in the sidebar.  Just scroll down and look for 9'ers button!  Come have some fun, y'all!

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy

Saturday 9: I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)

1) This week's song was performed by James Cagney in the famous movie of the same name. Do you plan on going to the movies this holiday weekend?
No plans for the movies, but we had a bang up time at a multi family get-together yesterday.

2) Though known for his larger-than-life screen presence, Cagney was only 5'5". How tall are you?
Well, I could have looked just one inch back down at him back in the day.  Now I'd have to look up quite a bit!  Nowadays I am 5'2".

3) During the Revolutionary War, General Washington celebrated the 4th of July by giving his troops a double ration of rum. Will you imbibe any spirits this holiday weekend?
The closest I got to beer was an N.A.B.  

Those days are so over for me.  Chocolate now, I can still eat.  Where would many of us be without a bit 'o' Chocolate?

4) American history was one of Crazy Sam's best subjects in school. In which class did you earn your best grades?
Single class?  Geometry 1 and 2,  A+, but that's just because I understood Geometry perfectly.  It was like magic.  There is no other math that treated me quite that well.  Maybe Trig would be a similar love affair?  I want to try it some day before I'm completely Gaga.  Over all, it was History and English that carried the day with a very close second and day.  I'm a writer.

5) The Fourth of July means we're in the middle of summer. Are you careful about applying sunscreen?
I'm careful about staying out of the sun, and I do wear a hat all the time now.  Meds, you know?  

6) Mosquito bites can be a major summer annoyance. Are you scratching any itches right now?
Go HERE to find out why their bites ITCH!

No, not this year anyway.  California probably has NO standing water at this time of year, so I'm sure the only places that have mosquito problems are the lake and river areas.  We live a couple of miles from any body of fresh water.

7) Emergency rooms report an increase in wrist injuries in summer, with people falling off bikes and skateboards and jamming their wrists catching hard-hit softballs. Have you ever had a sports-related injury?
Freestyle somersault out of a raised garden bed count as sport?  Yes, I have sport injuries right now.  Weight lifting. Duh, and her age, too?  
Whaaaat was she thinking???

8) New York is home to Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest every year on the 4th. Will hot dogs be consumed in your household this weekend?

Yes, I think so but we eat polish dogs from Costco.  I wonder who won the contest.  I remember a very thin and small Japanese guy who used to win contests eating hotdogs in buns.  
9) Atlanta hosts a 10K Peachtree Road Race every 4th of July. Are you a runner?
Not anymore but I used to love, LOVE to run.   I'm so jealous of people who still can run, and are also, like me, in their dotage.  Darn!  O__O

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Takeru Kobayashi,- the Japanese guy, was banned because he would not sign some contract with Nathan's and behaved poorly so I hear. He would have been good competition this year.

    1. Aha! They wanted to put his image on a Tshirt. Just joking! I will have to do a web search to find out the particulars. He was an amazing eater in the documentary we watched several years ago. Thank you for his name!

  2. I simply cannot watch those Nathan's contestants jamming food in their mouths. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.

    History, English AND geometry? You are a Renaissance woman!

    1. The documentary about famous eaters was a little nauseating. hehehe rwe!

      And though you are kind to say it,I am really not a Renaissance woman, I was just a wee bit confused. Had I just gone on as an Art major to UCLA I'm sure that would have been a career. But, life is what happens while we are busy making plans, as they say, and I eventually had a great career staying home and being Mother of the Tribe. Well, a Mom that made art and/or a craft using every piece of recycling and/or trash that came through my hands. lol

  3. The world would be a sad place indeed if chocolate was never discovered!

    1. Oh no, Life without Chocolate?! Unthinkable! It would indeed, Helena be sad. How drab and tasteless, except - maybe - for berries, cake and yams. Hmmm. Carrot cake? Now there is one that's lovely but it's not chocolate. Nope, even carrot cake doesn't excite without the possibility of chocolate cake for tomorrow. ;-)

  4. The freestyle somersault out of the raised garden bed does not sound like a lot of fun! I'm chuckling at the thought but I hope you weren't hurt too bad. I still run at age 50 but it's not quite as easy on the body as it used to be.

    1. I can joke like that now, and it was funny once it was all over. I actually did break my wrist, shattered it like Humpty Dumpty's big head. But the doctors put the wrist, hand and a couple of fingers back together again. We all agreed, at the time, it was a good thing that my head didn't connect with that paver. Poor Humpty... so sad, not being able to be put back together again. lol

      You are still running at 50? You Go Girl! :)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..