"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday Tails, i.e. the Wolfie Report and the Tort Report; plus tiny August Happiness Challenge, Big Questions about Existence, and the knitting report.

Wolfie Report:  The dear little fellow, is getting older.   His muzzle is nearly all gray, a silvery gray, I tell myself, but still gray.  I don't want to part with this little dog.  He is a joy of existence to us.   He whines now to be petted:  "Hey, look at me.  Don't forget to give me scritches and belly rubs, please!"  I'm so glad he's gotten comfortable enough to whine and beg for attention.  He so deserves to be cuddled.

I would put up more fun pictures of Camouflaged pets but I'm updating all my photos to another server, so the computer has fits when I try to find and plug in any photos.

Tort Report:  With temperatures over 90, we had to bring in the baby tortoises to cool off.   Even though they are cold blooded, they can't have their temperatures go over a certain level before dying, so we brought them in.

I put them into a small gray basket, which Dusty immediately tried to climb out of, high sides and all.  He never made it but torts never quit, either.  He stood on his big sib's back for the rest of the afternoon, trying to get a grip on the edge of that little basket.  No luck so when his body temp went down to make it even slower going, he tucked up in the opposite corner and went to sleep.

After the outside temperature dropped to a safe degree, Mr. Z put them both back into their crow and skunk proof enclosure.  The next day, when Mr. Z went out to get them before the mercury hit 90, Dusty was tucked up in a corner and was nice and cool to the touch, so, Mr. Z reasoned that, since all Dusty did was try to escape, he could stay in the little hole of his, and Milagro would come in by herself.   Today is the first day it was safe to leave them both outside in several days.

About August Happiness:  I struggled with happiness today, mostly because I'm feeling pretty useless.  When a person who is used to doing a lot of things and really getting things done hits that intractable wall, it's as if their whole persona shatters.  I'm trying to get my arm well, and it's not working as well as planned.  BUT... last night I came up with a new strategy, and if that works, I think it will heal.

So, I began to question why I'm even still alive, because I really can't help anyone at all.  Hands and healthy arms are the main tools of a crafter.   It took me awhile to ascertain that these decisions where just not mine to make, not rationally.  So, I decided to find some happiness to share.

Knitting Report: Yesterday,  I picked up the pink Cardi that I'm knitting and just held it for ten minutes, trying to get back the feel of it, in my hands and mind.   I rolled it over in my hands and smoothed it back out, getting the fronts properly oriented to the back.

Today I meant to cast on the sleeves but, since I also had a library book to finish before it sailed right out of my reach, the cast-on didn't happen.  Jane Smiley, and it's an ebook.  I can hardly wait for the sequel to be issued.  This one, I'm pre-purchasing.  I can't wait for months to get a copy from the library, hardback or ebook, as these books get a line "a mile long out the door".

Tonight, I know once again, that happiness is a do it yourself project, and I'll be working on the cardi tomorrow, God Willing, and will cast on the sleeves.  I also am thankful that this Stardust Cardi has short sleeves!

Picture from Knitty.com

Pattern HERE, from Knitty...  I'm updating the side bar button to the latest edition, too.

Have a happy Wednesday!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..