"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Music is bliss!

Yesterday was Beethoven's birthday,

He, Beethoven, has given me the idea for grateful blessings - Such as being able to hear.   Now, the poor man's hearing could be restored with a simple operation.  
Moving on with blessings, it's plain that as long as we can hear, We are all blessed with music, either the performance of it or the enjoyment.  And to think it probably all started with bird song, so let's add the birds into this blessing.

You can watch some cute little English Robins for, I think, a little more than an hour.

It is forever a wonder to me that the songs of a Humpback whale, when sped up, sound like birdsong. Isn't life a constantly amazing journey that is IF the "Alpha Dogs" let a person alone long enough to find some peace and contentment in music and learning about the the rest of our world?

We need some down time, and we need it now!  It's time to live in the moment, play with the mutts, and eat, maybe, chocolate strawberries!  Or perhaps take time to enjoy the sunsets...

 I'm very grateful for beauty in nature, since it's available all the time, the sky shows, the freeway daisies, the tiny guerrilla gardens in public blight.
Have a great weekend coming up.  Don't get too harried.  I'm going to celebrate more Yule this year than think about the rat race  that Christmas has become.  


  1. Really? Sped up whale song sounds like bird song? Wow. That is amazing. Hoping the alpha dogs leave you in peace, at least until after New Years!

    Btw, I got a strange email from you - did you catch a virus?

  2. The Alpha Dogs are always trying to run this blasted world, snoofling up all the "good stuff". They need their clocks cleaned.
    I don't think I've gotten a virus. But if the email comes from yahoo, it's a spoof so just pitch it without opening it. Sorry for that sort of "fun" invading your inbox!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..