"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday 9:

Note to my Readers... I always will publish this at midnight - my time, to keep the date on track.

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions
every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Heartbreak Hotel (1956) 

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Want to play along or see other postings?  Go HERE  You'll like this meme....

1) Elvis checked in to the hotel at the end of Lonely Street. Where was the last hotel or motel you stayed at?  Somewhere in Santa Cruz in the 1990's

2) He sings that Heartbreak Hotel is always crowded. The fear of crowds is so prevalent that it has four names (enochlophobia, ochlophobia, demophobia and agoraphobia). Are you comfortable in a crowd? Yes, I am...

3) The desk clerk at Heartbreak Hotel is dressed black. Do you often wear all black?
I like black.  Yes. I like to wear it.

4) The song was written by Mae Boren Axton, who said it was inspired by the story of an anonymous young man's suicide in a hotel. She said she read in The Miami Herald that the John Doe left behind a note that said, "I walk a lonely street." What's the last note you handwrote? (Hopefully it was more upbeat.)
I wrote down a dream, so that I wouldn't forget it....

5) When Elvis was 11, his parents bought him a guitar. He had asked for a rifle, but his mama convinced him a guitar was a better idea. Tell us about a time one of your parents was right about something.  I didn't have parents who brooked any back talk, well A Parent... My mother couldn't say anything for fear of retaliation, and my dad ruled with an iron fist.  I'd say my dad was never right about anything, ever....
6) Not long before "Heartbreak Hotel" was recorded, Elvis' father recommended he give up the guitar and become a truck driver. Tell us about a time one of your parents was wrong about something.  My dad was wrong all the time.  My mother got my love forever when she changed a report card, given by a grieving, heart broken teacher who just wanted to hurt people.  I was an easy target.  He gave me all A-'s and my mother changed them all to A+'s, in her magical way, to keep the Wrath of Khan from coming down on me.

7) There are many stories about Elvis' manager, Col. Tom Parker. One anecdote, about his career before Elvis, has the Colonel painting sparrows yellow so he could sell them as canaries. Have you ever been ripped off? Yes. 

8) Speaking of birds, Elvis once owned a peacock. It damaged his cars, so he gave it to the Memphis Zoo. In earlier days, it might have been dinner, for peacock was considered a medieval delicacy. What's the last poultry you prepared?  I can't imagine eating a Peacock.  So Uncivil....Anyway, the last time I prepared any sort of bird has to be sometime in 2005 because that's when Mr. Z took over the cooking.  He wanted to try it out, and to help save my spine, which was curling up.

9)  Random question: You and a friend have dinner at a restaurant. Your friend left her wallet at home, so you pick up the entire tab of $62, including tip. A few weeks later, you two meet for lunch and when the bill comes, she puts down half. Do you remind her that she still owes you $31 from the last time you dined together?  I gave this a lot of thought.  If this gal is someone whose been through thick and thin with me, I'd let it go.... But, if it's a pattern...... then that gal may actually be a Frienemy .  So, anyway, I wouldn't remind her, because I like her so much, but there's no way that she could have forgotten.  
I'd do this little "routine" one more go around.  Then, I would keep the friend if she was a great one, and just ask for separate checks if we EVER went out again.  
Of course if I was LOADED with dough, I would just always offer to pick up the tab unless she objected.  Good friends are very hard to find.  I don't want to lose a truly good friend over a couple of meal tabs.  It's interesting that $31 is exactly half of the first amount.  heehee


  1. I can't imagine eating Peacock either, it is such a beautiful bird.

    1. beautiful, but nasty tempered with the most annoying call of any bird I've ever heard. When we visited Henry VIII's Hampton Court, we saw the mock-up of the kitchen and there was a peacock sitting on a platter ready to be served. I imagine it tastes like chicken. :)

    2. Diana I agree. In the old hospital where my two eldest daughters were born the land for the hospital had been given by the owners of an estate. The peacocks came with the territory. We like to hear them at night.

    3. Bev, Your experience with peacocks is very different than mine. But I understand that they aren't to everyone's liking. And yes, I bet they taste like chicken, or maybe turkey..

  2. My dad wasn't quite as bad as yours, but my mom, too, would sometimes help me avoid his wrath. I got a day of in-school suspension once because someone told me a joke in studyhall and I laughed. It was stupid and the teacher who assigned it was a jerk, but Dad would not have cared about that, just that I'd gotten in trouble at school. Mom hid the letter the school sent and Dad never found it until after I was moved out of the house.

    1. Oh Stacy, I'd take your daddy in a heart beat. Mine was a criminal. Having said that, I will say that we are lucky in our mothers. It's good that women will take someone TO.THE. WALL these days to protect their children. Some men should never be trusted with children. Strict can go too far, as you say, too. Love isn't weak, it just takes longer for the results to show up.

  3. I had horrible parents. I used to get grounded for getting a B in gym. That was the only thing I ever got a B in.

    1. That is so damn stupid!!!! Gym???? I agree. You can take a perfectly lovely little kid and just tear them down to the ground with asinine rules that add up to 0 when all is said and done. And, sometimes they end up being jackasses of parents themselves after surviving their childhood. But we also can't discount the HUGE surge in Peer Group influence after the 60's. Even good and loving parents struggled with that one, sad to say...

  4. One of this week's participants maintains her parents weren't ever wrong about anything. ANYTHING? Mom never once used the wrong fork at dinner? Dad never once scratched the fender? I find such revisionist thinking annoying, and extremely unhealthy. Didn't someone say, "Sunlight is best disinfectant?" I like that we talk about these things.

    1. I like that we talk about these things and in the Sunlight! Maybe there are the perfect parents out there but perfect in so far as they made NO mistakes EVER? No one is perfect except for Jesus.. and Even HE admitted to being wrong a couple of times! Is this person posting on the Sat9 Alternet channel? Do they wear a tin foil hat? Inquiring minds wish to know.....


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..