"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Stealing for the 8th and the 15th

Last Week's Compassion and This week's Book Tag.... 

Thank you to Bev for this meme every week!  

Kids!  Here's a linkie to the Mother Lode at the Sunday Stealing home.  Scroll scroll scroll..

What is the most fun thing you have ever done?  
Rockhounding with our club when we went RVing out into the desert to look for "treasures".  I found a piece of an old iron trade pot that the Shoshoni, probably, left behind in a wadi out around 11 mile road.

Are you left-handed or right-handed?
I'm a leftie.  Though I've had to, over time and because of many injuries, adapt the right hand to writing, eating, and combing my hair.  Random note:  I use a bow right handed and knit right handed.  

What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
When I "left home" it was sudden.  My girl friend and her roomies took me in.  Then, later, the couple who rented to my future DH kept available a studio apartment in their complex because they were kind.  I got a new job and an apartment and was pretty happy.  It was a cute little place.

What is the biggest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
A 500 pound mother bear who came up behind me and insisted on sticking her nose in the oatmeal pot I was rinsing at the tap in Sequoia.  She got her way.  
What is the smallest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
I'm going to go with mammals for $40.  (Insects are all pretty darn small).  So, that would be a baby field mouse that I caught, and kept, for a pet when I was a teen.  That creature was so TINY!  It was no bigger than a grape - one with tiny gangly legs and feet!  

Do you ever have funny dreams at night?
Sometimes, yes, I do.  However, they are mostly just ODD ones.

If you could make a law for your country, what would it be?
In all laws made henceforth, THE EARTH COMES FIRST!

What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Please let me know a day or two ahead of time when this will happen?  I need to get into position. 

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?
I'd probably be Putin, and I would get saved, repent, and change all the laws in Russia so that the Russians could be FREE!

What would you like to change about yourself?
Since, at the moment, "I find myself in the weak and feeble body of a woman", I would like to be an Amazon.  

What is your daily routine.
Wake, eat, drink tea, eat more, watch Netflix, eat, watch Netflix, sleep, rinse, repeat.

What would your perfect day be like?
I would get an advanced look into life after death.  Knowing would just about make life bearable, or not.  Hmmm...  *rethinks all of this*

How old were you when you learned to read?
I was three.

What is the most interesting thing you know?
I know that everything runs on electricity.  Everything.

What makes you nervous?
Low flying jets where they are not supposed to be.

What is your favourite flower?
Three, actually, share that place in my heart.  I really adore Roses, Glads and Bearded Irises.

Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?
I've ridden horses.

What time do you go to bed?
10 pm  but I don't sleep more than four hours. So midnight to... 

What time do you get up?
about 4 am.  I can't lie in bed any longer than that.

What is something that is always in your refrigerator?
Ice and hopefully there will always be Ice Cream but just not now.

Book Tag 

Who is your favourite author?
Modern?  Jane Smiley.  I've read everything of hers.  But I also enjoy reading books by Donna Leon.
What was the last book you read?
Madame Fourcade's Secret War.  By Lynne Olson.

What book reminds you of your school days?
None that I can recall.  It was a bloody long time ago, Mate!

What book releases are you looking forward to?
The Man Who Played With Fire  by Jan Stocklassa

What movie releases are you looking forward to?
Wait!  This is about books.  *wink*  None that I know of.  I watch whatever rolls up on Prime or Netflix.

What 3 books are you planning to read?
I read what I feel like reading so have no reading list.  

Have you ever damaged a book?
Only a text book.  It fell into the dishwater when I was doing dishes and studying at the same time.

How long does it take you to read a book?
A week, a month, a decade.  

Books you haven’t finished?
Lots of them.

Popular books you didn’t like?
I tend to like non-fiction, across the board, but I do like mysteries.  I don't generally like women's hottie sort of stuff.  Danielle Steele?  I'd rather knit than read that stuff.  

Is there a book you wouldn’t tell people you were reading?

How many books do you own?
Literally thousands.

Are you a fast or slow reader?
Slow-ish.  Idk... maybe I read fast if it's something that's an easy read, like the minuscule Amish romances.  They are fun but far too short.  

Do you read better in your head our out loud? 
Better in my head.  My imagery works better in my head.    


  1. That bear story must have been terrifying! I guess if you had something he could eat he wouldn't eat YOU. I confess I threw in the movie question because I wanted to mention the Downton Abbey movie. I used to have thousands of books but now that we have collected ~25 big boxes of books to donate, we may be down to "hundreds" now -- and no place to put them!

    1. The bear .. my totem is the bear and I so had no fear, my dreams used to be full of them. The thing I feared is that my four little girls, watching from the porch of the cabin, would freak out. So I sang to them,"go into the cabin, lock that door and don't come back out no matter what happens". After that things were easy. She wanted the oatmeal pan, so I walked it over the the edge of the trail and set it down. She tucked in an I backed very slowly away. Magical.. She was feeding two of the cutest little cubs and was very hungry. when it comes to bears, you Give the lady what she wants!
      Books. I need to cull mine but it's hard. I have stopped buying them but this started when I was a teenager. It's Kindle only now. I have a wall of boxes and book cases in four rooms. It's more of an illness now. 🤪

    2. @Bev... Downtown Abby is going to be film? I must have it! lol

  2. I agree about the imagery when reading in my head. That does not work for me if I am reading out loud. Loved your answers! Have a nice Sunday!


    1. I liked to read out loud to my girls when they were small, but now, it's just me and it even has to be quiet around me so as to concentrate.
      Thanks for reading and for the Sunday wishes. Right back to you!

  3. I don't typically have a "to read" list, either. I buy books by the pile and read which ever catches my fancy next. I browsed the best-seller list to come up with a list for today...and I will eventually read those, but it may be a long time from now.

    1. Hi Stacy. My modus operandi: I love these memes for gathering new authors and book titles. I tend to read what comes up with authors that I follow on Amazon or the Goodreads site. so, that in itself limits my reading list. I also like to read Historical Fiction if it's based on history more than fiction. lol I wish I could read romances but can't get into them. I'm just a stick in the mud.

  4. I've learned to love audio books to knit to. :)

    1. This is something that makes perfect sense, KG. I'll give it a try again at some point. Usually I *watch* an old Mystery series or some such or I fall asleep mid row. That soothing, droning voice of the reader usually does it. 🤭

  5. No "to read" list for me either. I just read whatever looks interesting at the time as far as popular books are concerned.
    I got a good laugh of "rinse, repeat"!

    1. Hi Ann. Yah, life got pretty About lists.. I'd type out this long list of must reads and then be blindsided by three of four others during a library foraging. They jumped into my arms!
      The list never worked for me. 😉

  6. I could never read Danielle Steel's books, either. I think I managed one or two to see what the fuss was about but she definitely isn't a favorite author.

    1. Millions of readers love her so that's nice for her. She has a solid place in the literary Galaxy, but she's not in my Universe. We don't speak the same language, I reckon. I'd rather read Louie L'Amour. *wink*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..