"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Stolen from Friday Five

Sunday Stealing!  

 Thank you to BEV!  See her blog list at Funny The World


1. What makes it easy to talk to someone?  If they are friendly. If they are reading, that just means they are reading and are probably friendly but they would like to not be disturbed.

2. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?  Many times in this long life.

3. Do you like to argue? Online? Yes, but I really don't like dissension as a regular feature of life.  I pick my battles carefully.

4. Some people like to talk about things, and some people like to do things. Which are you?  I like to talk about doing things and talk while doing things. 

5. Who is easier to talk to – men or women?  I can talk to either one as long as they are friendly.

6. What is your favorite place?  I love central coast in California.  It's the most beautiful place ever.

7. What is your favorite place in your home?  I've been stuck inside the house in recovery mode and also because of the pandemic that OUTSIDE is my favorite place.  I want to be well enough to work in my garden and rebuild it. 

8. Would you most want to live in a city, a suburb or the country? I'd like to live in a small city that was near the ocean.

9. What is special about the town you live in? I like how the city pulls together and gets things done when there is a problem.  It doesn't matter too much what side of the political divide a person is on, all work together to solve the problems.

10. How much time do you spend in nature? As much as possible I'm out there, usually.   I can never be separated from the Natural world.  I find my health depends on it. 

11. Do you make up a dinner plan for the coming week? No

12. Do you make up a grocery shopping list and stick to it when shopping? No

13. What is one thing that you always buy, but never write down on a list? I don't do the shopping or the cooking anymore.  But the things I would ALWAYS buy, and eat, are rice, pasta, or Udon Noodles.

14. Is there anything that you always think you are out of and come home with it to discover you already have a year’s supply on hand?  No, even when I was doing all the shopping and cooking, I knew what I had in the pantry and so on.  We were always on a tight budget.

15. Do you get your groceries delivered? We do now, and will probably continue to get a farm box.  It's been the best thing we've done since all the farmer's markets are now so far away.


  1. We have enjoyed our little garden this summer. We hadn't had one for a few years but decided we should have one with the pandemic.

  2. Thank you CountryDew for your comment. I'm still going through health issues,so haven't been able to keep up the meme's. I've really missed everyone.
    A veg garden is amazing to have. We used to have several raised beds.
    I also hope you get to put up a hummingbird feeder and/or some seed trays. Birds are so fascinating.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..