"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Thursday Thirteen: My Usual Hodge Podge of Irrelevant, disjointed thoughts

Would you like to join in?  The button on the side bar is linked to the mother ship.  The trouble is that you have to search diligently for it.  So I shall link it  HERE.. 

Let the fun begin!

1. The situation in The World at Large looks rather dim, but never fear.  Some one is going to do something, somewhere, that will flip the whole nasty string of events to an even higher level of RED alert which changes nothing except that it will make me go off spartan diet and eat all the ice cream that I can possibly stuff into the Freezer before the weekend.  Ice cream.  The surest antidote for Life’s hideous little surprises.

I say, Let’s eat Cake with that! 

3. I have found photos of a lot of yarn that I’d forgotten I even had.  😱 Please do NOT report this to the Yarn Patrol.  Thank you!  I will be forever in your debt.  Let’s to not tell the world, either.  Oops.  🫢 

4. I've been really struggling to get rid of “anything” at all. The reason is that I'm sure I'll get a Round tuit.  Then I think, " Who am I kidding?"  You see, I have even LESS time to use them with every passing day. What's more,  has anyone ever even SEEN a Round Tuit?  Does it look like this?  
This is an REAL Egyptian Round TUIT

From HERE,  though I really think it’s someone trying to rewrite world history.   It’s very suspicious 🤨 

5. I can hardly stand to spend any time thinking about the creeps that run big countries anymore.  So, I’ve taken to distracting myself by making VooDoo dolls to ram PINS into, and to burn in a fire pit at the beach.  This one is called "Puteenie".

The Neosporin may be applied later
But... probably not.

6. Today is a relatively cool August day.  The rest of the country is in trouble, weather wise, but we got all that this winter.  I'm truly glad to have a little good weather break.  That isn't to say I'm not sorry for everyone else with the weather they are getting.  Here, in truth, it's a not exactly a nice cool knitting day, but almost. 

7.  We have a Jackie Chan movie for this evening's entertainment.  I never tire of Jackie Chan and his Exploits.

8. Mr. Z has fixed the Sewing Room clock!  I am SO PLEASED!  After years of unfailing service, this pretty thing had packed it in.  Now it's got a brand new brain and new hands.  It's chugged along faithfully for about an Eon, but the little electric chugger quit recently.  Amazon seller to the rescue!

9.  The five tortoises are out and about and four are now fighting over the back yard.  I'm thinking of letting my Girl go and stay at another garden so she can get away from these stupid battles.  This one is Churchy and he also needs to get away, too.  He is the father of the brood but his green eyed son is twice his size now and Churchy is now losing every fight.  I feel for him. 

10.  Mother and Son.  They are the ones who have green eyes.
Lucky on the Left, Poko Ono on the Right

11.  This is how small he once was.
BEBE Fresh out of the nest

12.  I hope to pay a lot more attention to my Ukulele.. I want to spend time learning to play my "little flea"

13. My music for it.  It's time to devote at least an hour a day to learning it. 

You all be good and see you next week! 🙏❤️ 
Thank you to the moderators for this lovely meme. 💐


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Kwizgiver. I may not be able to keep up the pace but I'll give it the so called Old College Try...

  2. What a great list! Are there really yarn police? It wouldn't surprise me. Voodoo dolls is a great idea. Good way to rid oneself of frustration with things over which we have no control. And as for the uke - I suggest start out trying for 20 minutes instead of an hour, and if you go an hour, great.

    1. There are Yarn police, but they seldom get to see my stash. Unfortunately the credit card used online does get to tell tales after school. heehee. And I will try to do what you say with the uke. I can't play a guitar anymore because of my back and a hyper sensitive nerve in my left hand ring finger, but the uke string doesn't seem to bother it. It is a ... er... a real "Mother.."

  3. Stash yarn is meant to be forgotten. Then, when you go looking for something else, it's like shopping in your own home. And you can surprise yourself with the perfect yarn for that one pattern...

    1. Thank you! It is indeed like going shopping in one's own home. Such a clever Idea. I am so glad forgetting yarn is OK because boy have I forgotten a lot of mine. It's well protected but it's huge.....

  4. I enjoyed the middle of the list best. The sewing room clock is my kind of timepiece -- you can see it clearly from across the room. And I loved meeting your tortoise family. When my nephew was a little boy and getting his mind around the idea of death, he asked Santa for a tortoise because it would outlive him. He's almost 23 now, graduated from college and back home, and that tortoise (Georgina, he called her) is still in her tank in his old room. She likes kiwi, so I'm always sure to pick one up for her at Christmastime. She's a member of the family.

    1. Awww That is one well loved little tortoise! and thanks a bunch, with some hugs attached. Cute story! :).

      I have a favor to ask. Can you tell Colleen that I can't type in a reply at her blog because it vanishes into thin air. It was that way from the beginning. I have no idea where it goes but it doesn't get to her. At least I think it doesn't. I wish I could figure that one out, and it's always been that way. Thank you for any help you can give me.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..