"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, April 3, 2006

Something fun to read

I know that this is sort of cheating to get you to read an "important document" but I'm just mean enough not to care. I think it's hilarious and worth the time to read and comes from the blogger team under the "Help" button.


If you have lost all your adverbs, there is no help for you here but otherwise this could be considered very helpful as well as hilarious.

PLease be sure to inform me of all my hanging commas, that being my greatest grammatical sin.


  1. by now you have figured out that I don't believe in capitol letters and am not much for periods and commas either -- and I'm not sorry about it either heheheh :D

  2. if I can read it i don't care a fig neither heehee. People are what is interesting, not their bloody grammar. I'm not sure where this all got started, this "Aghast, Maties, another semi-colon instead of a period" outcry, but I do believe in the Comma Police. *grins* The article was pretty funny.

  3. I passed the link along for my Hubby to read in the morning. For his sins he lectures in IT skills to public relations students, most of whom seem to have only the haziest grasp of how to write English. And as part of their coursework he`s making them all set up blogs, hehe.....

    I don`t think perfect grammar is 100% necessary 100% of the time, but sometimes sloppy writing can be too difficult to decipher. Once poor writing skills start to come between the meaning of the piece and the reader, then it is time to tidy the writing up a bit.

  4. I agree, Val, that word wranglers need to write readable commentary. They should follow the rules so that their writings have more weight and credibility.

    For the rest of us, we may be writing more like we tend to speak, the "voice, as Trish calls it. Being home all day with DH, my conversations are becoming short and choppy as he is so deaf. =o) Choppy brevity is really starting to show up in most of my KR and blog posts. Ingame typing gets even worse! You have little time to compose a sentence while trying to ward off a Tyrancha. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..