"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Winter Sunset at Pacific Beach


Our friends took this sunset picture when they came to California last month. It was too beautiful not to share. Thank you Keetch and Annie.

I've been a sky watcher all my life, starting as a kid when I was sent to bed early for months over some infraction or other. The moon on the clouds was a favorite. Hope you all have happy times doing your sky watching. There's a pretty new button but sadly it doesn't link back to Sandy's Blog, where it originated. I also snagged her nifty Saturday Sky button.

Also, since I'm not walking much, for many reasons, I've dropped out of the 100 miles by April 1st blog. I've gotten in a mere 9 and a half. I am walking 20 mins a day, plus all the running around wildly pulling weeds, knots in yarn strung between chairs and all my hair.

Project spectrum started this month, this from Lolly's "Lolly Knitting Around" blog. I'm doing Moo Hat in celebration. Now, back to figuring out how to link those buttons. Getting them to show was a major brain twist.


  1. It was a wonderful hotel and the view was just amazing, as the pic shows. Being from NC, we're used to sunrises, not sunsets over the water... so this was a beautiful way to end our great days in sunny California : )

  2. It is a beautiful picture. We missed sunset cliffs, but I'll never forget our day spent together roaming through the quilt shop or the LYS. I hope that K wasn't too disappointed that we didn't get down to see the very BIG US Navy vessels. :)

  3. beautiful!... that lilac-greyish-silverish-purple is my fav color in sunset :)thank you for sharing :)

  4. Hi Pugknits, glad you liked it. Our friend's camera was a little tiny baby thing but it takes amazing pictures. Amazing... It's too small for me. I would have dropped it a dozen times already. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..