"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday stealing night Lights? We don't need no stinking night lights.

The Seventeen Meme

I can't get the Sunday Stealing post to copy here, so what you see is just the questions.  If you could like to join in, please click on the link up there ^ for the full Monty, so to speak.

From For The Adventure 

1. Do you know triplets? 
I did at one time, when I was in the Mothers of Twin's Club.  All multiples were in the club.  Believe me, we really needed the help, speakers, and the camaraderie!  For the first three months of the twins lives, I found it hard to have time to wash my hair!  Them I found the twins club.  If you happen to find yourself with twins, try to find a local Mothers of Twins Club.  They really DO know what you are going through!

2. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? 
I don't know what those are, but if I had to choose I wouldn't  choose Titanic - for obvious reasons.  But, if it's about computers, I have a Notebook and love that little devil almost more than I can say.  It's totally cool.

3. Have you ever eaten Indian food? 

Yes, and can honestly say the ONLY thing I really like about it is the Naan.   I adore Naan.  The Food?  It's the spices, I think, and I'm just not used to them, but they do these amazing milk ball treats that I'd love to be able to eat still.  Those are Yummy!  Dal is terrific; we had some in a Sri Lankan restaurant in Santa Cruz last year.

4. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? 

Nicolosi's.  Before that was Zolezzi's but it doesn't exist anymore.  Now I've stopped eating wheat.  Byebye American Pie, too.  Apologies to the Don McClean.

5. Who’s your favorite person in the world? 

I really hate favorite person questions, and never know what to say, really. You must mean besides my family members and friends?  I guess that would be The Dali Lama.

We were driving through a parking lot in Santa Cruz to visit a leather store, and we rounded a corner and there was a tiny truck with a huge picture of the Dali Lama on the side, smiling his adorable smile.  I just had to smile back.  Here's one of him laughing at something someone said.

Photo Source
The link goes to a very good article on a blog.

6. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? 
I'm a farm girl.  I want to live on another farm; tiny, maybe, but a farm.  I don't really want animals but would absolutely consider rescuing a few smaller farm animals and of course, dogs.

7. Can you whistle? 
Oh yes, I can.  I can whistle songs I can no longer sing.  And, I try to imitate bird songs.  It's so much FUN!

8. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
Only when I'm sick and need to take meds at night.  If I could have one like this I just might leap for it!

Picture Source
9. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Always.  It's the time of day that I'm hungriest.

10. Do you take any pills or medication daily? 

Is the Pope Italian?

11. How many times have you been to the hospital as a patient? 
Happily only four times.  *touches wood* That's three times for babies, and one for a knee replacement surgeon.  I love that guy.  I can't jump rope or do cartwheels but this knee feels like my own.  The Wrist was an out patient surgery with an amazing surgeon.  Yay!

12. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? 

Now that is an off the wall question if there ever was one!  Hmmm.  Yes, I may even own it.  I love LOVE the products from Pixar or Dreamworks.

13. Where do you buy your jeans? 

Marketing alertS!  Hmm.  I haven't bought a pair of jeans for ages.  Where I bought the last pair?  Probably just from a retailer that sells women's Levis and lets you try them on first.  Sears, I think, which of course isn't Sears anymore.

14. What’s the last compliment you got? 

A friend said I was "wonderful".  Cheered me up no end.  I think she is, too.

15. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?

Sometimes but I have to write them down unless they are really wacky like the last one.  Last night I dreamed of an immense,  multi-storied building where people all lived together in a sort of musical society.  Lots of singing and dancing.  But so many STAIRS!  There were no elevators and there were people and kids and their pets simply EVERYwhere.  The place seemed to be as full of people as a sport's stadium.

16. What flavor tea do you enjoy? 

Only one?  
Link To Up Magazine Source
That's like asking a coffee drinker what coffee they like.  I like Green, Red (Rooibos), Lady Grey, Earl Grey, and about a half dozen others that I'm just too lazy to go look for in the kitchen.  I'll get my lazy butt off this chair and go look.  Stay Tuned! *musical interlude*   There is Tetley, Lemon Lift, Stash Lemon Ginger, T.J.'s Organic Chamomile Herbal Tea, Tazo "Passion", and some more I can't reach on my own.

17. What social media sites do you use?

What are those?  Honestly, I don't know for sure.  I use Blogger, and have a passing acquaintance with Facebook, and I give Twitter a wave now and then.  There's Ravelry and Knitter's Review, and I like Knitty, and even a peek at Woodworker's Mag because I love wood, and the wacky world of Men. Wood though, I LOVE the stuff.  I can not throw a piece of wood away and don't like to burn hardwoods.  They have other uses much more beautiful than producing a fire.  Did I just go off on you?  I did didn't I?
So, I tried to answer each question fully and sort of in a Friend's circle way.This is always a lot of fun.  Come on over and Pile On!  The Button is in the side bar under Weekly MeMe's.

Just for fun, here's a picture of some beautiful Nez Perce Appaloosas that I found on the web when I was doing some research:
M-Y Sweetwater Appaloosa Ranch Site Horses
Have a great Sunday.  Remember the little Joys.


  1. I loved your newsy, chatty answers! I usually answer the same way, but actually went a little briefer this week. lol
    Is it awful that I don't know if the Pope's Italian...other than by default of living in Vatican City? I know the last one was Polish. Is this one from Italy?
    I don't know if we have a twin's club around here, but I did fine one for mom's when my kids were little that did the same thing. I loved that three-hour break with the other moms (babysitting provided) every Wednesday to do a craft, talk, whatever.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Hi Stacy. Usually I'm not that chatty! Something came over me! The new Pope is technically a dual citizen, since he's Argentine and he's Italian. His parents were Italians who emigrated, and he is what's called a first Generation Argentine. He derived his Italian citizenship from his parents. Actually, he is still 100% Italian, if that's what his parents were by birth. I guess . hehe I think he's also wonderful.

      Mom's Day out, with baby sitting, sounds like the perfect thing for any mamma. Enjoy the rest of Sunday!

  2. I can't gather my thoughts in the morning if I skip breakfast.

    1. Exactly, Kwizgiver. Breakfast is so important to the brain. I can't imagine skipping it. Dinner can be popcorn for all I care but I like breakfast!

  3. I didn't know the Pope had dual citizenship, thank you for that explanation in your comments!

    1. I know about this because a friend of the twins had dual citizenship until he was 18 and then had to choose, but only for the US. England doesn't care and he's still actually a citizen there, too.

  4. My hungry part of the day is 4:00. It's crazy for me.

    1. Isn't it crazy? I'm pretty hungry in the morning and not the rest of the day. But today is different. It's 4:00 pm here, and I wish I'd eaten more than I did for my noon meal- some soy milk. Sometimes I'll get a snack about 3pm of fruit but then can't eat all my dinner. Anymore, I'm just confused about eating and would be glad to give it up entirely. But breakfast is small, too. You'd think I was skinny but I'm not! This sort of reminds me of the movie "Golden Child" where the little Avatar gets by on a small leaf a day and that's all.

  5. Thanks too for the explanation of the Pope in the comments--I really didn't know if he was Italian or not! haha!
    I don't know, I just don't find myself hungry in the morning. I might have something small at lunch but my main meal is dinner. But I do eat big at dinner, and usually it's very heavy on proteins, so I guess that tides me over until dinner the next day.
    I think I would like to live in that dream you had (lots of singing and dancing) but I don't know if I'd like all those stairs! :P And maybe not so crowded. :s
    And that is a beautiful horse!

    1. Hi, Lia, I know what you mean about not knowing if the Pope was Italian this time or not. lol And, you're right about protein lasting you all night and half the day. We are actually much more a carnivore than we want to admit. Wheat isn't our best food. Horses: You will love to see the other Appaloosas in the Tuesday post. Or. Goggle them for thousands of pictures. They are very beautiful.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..