"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Saturday 9: The Addams family...

The Addams Family

The Addams Family (1964)
Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) One of TV's spookiest families was inspired by a series of New Yorker cartoons. What's the last magazine you flipped through? A Sunset Magazine at the Clinic. I may subscribe again.

2) The Addams' butler, Lurch, was originally conceived as a mute. But then actor Ted Cassidy ad libbed the line, "You rang?" and Lurch had a voice, and a catchphrase. Can you think of another catchphrase connected to a TV character?  Sorry, no.  When I read other blogs I'll likely remember but not right off the top of my head.  I haven't watched network TV for Decades.

3) Now here's the most important question of the week: Do you prefer The Addams Family or The Munsters?  Sorry again.  I've never watched the Munsters, and the only way I know the Addams' Family is through the movies which we have seen numerous times.  So, I'd have to say, "The Addam's Family".

4) What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?  That would be "Pitch Black".  And we are watching it again tonight.  It's horrendously scary!

5) Thursday was Halloween. What goodies did you give the trick or treaters?
We got one of those big bags of tiny candy bars at Costco.  We started out with two apiece, quickly going up to three, and when the big kids (I swear they were BIG ones.. and So Jolly!) came around late, well, I wanted to give them handfuls but stuck to three.  I love to see the big kids trick or treating but you could tell these guys and gals (twenty somethings) were doing this on a lark.. Best costumes of course.  Lots of fun.

6) Are you attending/have you attended any Halloween parties this year?
No, we are pretty well past that.. lol

7) Did you carve a jack o'lantern this year?
No, I just set out my sort of neat stick ones that are lighted, and left it at that.  Next year I will put the little carved ones in the windows again.  That will be to celebrate nearly 60 years of being The Candy Wrangler.  

8) Do you eat candy corn all year around ... only at Halloween ... or never?
I don't eat it anymore at all.  But back in the day, I did buy extra to have to decorate cookies at various time.  

9) In 1964, when The Addams Family premiered, one of the most popular store-bought Halloween costumes was Bambi. It came with a plastic mask held on by a thin elastic band. Tell us about a memorable Halloween costume from your childhood.
My mother made me a witch's costume that I wore for several years.  I loved that hat, and even have an adult's version but quit wearing it because it scared the really little kids.  I might get a pair of those jiggly antenna - those are pretty cute.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven't any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!

To Gal, to whom we owe a lot for Saturday Nines on the weekend, a BIG Thank you!  


  1. I like thinking of you with antenna. Zippi, Our Favorite Martian!

  2. I hope you get the antenna. I have a collection of them for nearly any occasion from my bus driving days. I wore my sparkly, purple bats for Halloween this year and the dementia folks loved them as much as the kiddos did.
    Have a lovely Saturday, Zippi!

    1. Thanks Stacy. I hope that you do as well. I will wear my antenna with pride.
      I can imagine how much fun you make for others with your sweet and fun loving ways.

  3. A couple of houses down the street the teenagers had a Halloween party... a loud Halloween Party.

    1. Ouch! I was thinking these kids, in their twenties if they were a day, came from the new houses.
      And teens...We know just know they will all be deaf by the time they are thirty so it's probably part of the tribal thing they have going, Diana. lol

  4. The Munsters are a kinder, gentler Addams Family.

    1. Awe, thanks Kwizgiver. The Addams family is from hell but definitely a fun crowd, especially in the movies. Raul Julia was one of my favorite comic actors.

      Also, I'll find some of the Munster spin-off movies to watch.

  5. I think you would be lovely in antennae. You have a lovely heart and it will show regardless of what you wear!

  6. That's very sweet, and thank you my friend. Very kind.
    When my sister was still well, we went out to lunch and to get some things for her to wear for a Halloween party. I put the antennae(correct plural and thanks!)on my head and we shopped some more. People gave me curious looks and crooked little smiles until I thought something was wrong with my mascara or my hair. Taking a look in the next window, Lo and behold, there sat the antennae, jiggling away and looking cute. I'd forgotten all about them! 🤩


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..