"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Once upon a Blue Moon, last night, over San Diego Bay.. cell phone. Accidental Art, and Shrooms in the Grass

Like an idiot, or an overladen beast of burden in Full Militant Rebellion, I left the big camera home last night.  But, it still was a spectacular sight to watch the second full moon of August rise up over the San Diego Smog.

I also found another amazing couple of things going on on the Island.

Accidental Art, in the form of an amazing water pattern on the cement at Friendship Circle in the Pacific Rim Park.

This was larger and even more beautiful,  and it was most certainly accidental
 And Shrooms!  They may be edible, since many that grow in lawns are.  I'll absolutely have to ask an expert on this though.  DD has books and books about shrooms though she only picks a few very safe kinds.

Sadly some wanton, big footed Donkey stepped on most of them.. next picture.

Evidence of the passage of a Yeti.

You can see the "tire tread" of a size 12 there...
I'm off to make some earrings with my sister, who is doing as well as possible with a sore little spine and her other issues.  I have to do something to cheer her up.  It can't involve calories, as we are both on a Diet - the dread word!  Spark People here I come!

Blue Moon And Friday Fill ins

Friday first..

1. You don't have to be rich to live a magical life.
2. But it's the art of the way you live that counts.
3. Basically, Live a life of decorating things around you, food,gardens, lamp shades, whatever.
4. How I interpret this is that you make your space exactly what you want and as cheaply as possible.
5. In this way, your spirit is expressed in your space, and that makes it magical.
6. I believe with all my heart.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing the blue moon, tomorrow my plans include seeing my sister and making things with beads and Sunday, I want to water my garden and play in the water!

The Blue Moon Pictures will be added later, when I get them straightened out.   We took them this very night but it's too late to get them here!

I've been watching "Ruby", and loving it!  She is amazing!  If she can lose all that weight, I can lose my 20 pounds!  And since when is a twelve a plus size?  Is the fashion industry out of it's cotton picking mind, Girl Friends????

We also watched a movie called "Himalaya" and some things fell into place for me.  things that started back in the mid 70's.  I am very interested in the Dolpo pa.  What I learned from this movie is what I've been searching for all this time.  Peace!

I'm also going to be picking out waist band seams tomorrow at my sister's house, so that I can comfortably wear my new old shorts since the elastic shrunk the first time they were washed,  You would think that manufacturers would have had the good sense to pre shrink elastic in waist bands before they sewed them every which way except to H*ll and back, wouldn't you?  Does it really take SIX rows of stitching for an elasticized waist band?  I make pants and I pre shrink everything twice!

Well, enough of this.  It's time for bed Nighty night!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life moves along at a "Glacial Pace"

Life report with the Weather thown in:

I was dashing around and didn't proof read this well!

It's hot.  I hate it.  Meanwhile, Life just moves along at too fast a pace, as usual, for getting much crafting done and craft goes at the Glacial Pace.

Bird Report;  I was watching out for a baby dove, trying to decide whether it was abandoned by it's parents or not.  The tiny adult female is a careless mother, but then doves didn't evolve around cats.  I know that fledgling doves get fed a couple of times a day on Pigeon's milk but I didn't see the parents around until almost dusk.  Today a hawk got the baby.  It's depressing not being able to help these young and innocent little creatures.

But, happier news.  DH was out walking Wolfie and came upon an hummingbird that seemed like it had a broken wing, lying in the road.  Mon Dieu!  He tried to pick it up but it flew a little distance into a gutter.  He came home and googled Project Wildlife, then went back out after a short consultation with me, and picked it up and put it on a low bush.  It was tiny, more so than usual.  It finally rested enough - and it's parent was nearby - and flew up into a larger bush, then flew straight up, like a bumblebee, into a nearby tree.  Success!

Wolfie (and Me) report:

If Wolfie were a Red Dog.
 That is Exactly what his face and body look like.  This was in an email to me, and I have NO idea where the picture came from originally, but this IS Wolfie as a red dog.  The ears, no; that is just an updo by the person who is supposed to be this little fellow's friend.  Would you do that to a friend?  Lol

Wolfie is scratching the same parts of his body constantly, and I'm worried that the surgery has affected his brain and has made him into one of those neurotic dogs ( more so than he was) that scratches constantly from a form of post surgery insanity.  While contemplating all this, I was so nervous that was scratching myself.  Hmmm?   I will be checking into Canine troubles after anethesia. Anyway, he is still very cute, kicking his feet when he's in my arms, like a baby human.  I guess he's my honorary grand child.

As to what happens to humans, the post op fog:  I am getting better at making change.  But, I still have trouble understanding my Knitting.  The ability to understand a pattern is coming back very slowly.  I was told this would happen but didn't realize it would take so long!  No wonder they wouldn't let DH see me in Recovery, and that it took so long.  I might have tried to leave by the trap door in the ceiling, maybe?  October 19 is one year.

The DDs found this beautiful stuff at a thrift store a few months ago, and one bought it for me to use.  Yay Thrift Stores!  There are 8 skeins.  A shorty sweater?  Very tall socks?

Yummy Stuff

I would make her something from it but she's allergic to wool.  As you can see, it's Merino 5 from Crystal Palace, The Whole big wad for $3.25.  Not bad, eh?The two wound balls in the back were wound so tightly that the bounce was almost gone from the yarn.  They were one big ball and I swear it was so tight that I could bounce it off the floor.  Someone really UPTIGHT must have owned this yarn and tried to make something that REALLY bit them hard.  I hope to make something nice, like who knows what with it.  It won't be socks but I don't think there is enough for a sweater.  Maybe a vest?  The colors are luscious!

Yesterday, at ceramics, I glazed a small plate with a red glaze that will turn an amazing, speckled green in the kiln.  I'll plug a snap in here later.  Meanwhile you can gaze at the hunk of bee's wax bought at a local Farmer's Market.  Ooops, here's the pic.  I forgot...

Ceramic Rabbit Contemplates Beeswax Mountain

DH calls it Mt. Beeswax.  I think he wants to go climb another mountain.  I'm looking for a mold, or will make one, of a bee.  It's really not too hard to do.  Then I'll make some little bees' wax cakes for sewing.

But back to the Ceramic piece blah blah.  I'm also using a crackle glaze on one side in a quarter moon shape as an experiment.  Depending on how long it takes to I find my glaze formula books, I'll be running down to FreeForm to buy ingredients for a slip glaze.   This, since no one local sells the stuff anymore.

 ****RANT ALERT**** I guess potters gave up on it and the "market" followed suit.  China makes all the low priced art pottery now; they have the market sewn up on most things, including the beautiful art glazes that once were the pride of American Pottery.  With all the jobs in China, no wonder we can't find jobs that  pay a decent "living wage" for anything.  But, that's free trade!  I say, Good Job Murano Glass for keeping YOUR market!

Happy stuff.  My sister and I are going to watch the rest of Downton Abby.  When is the next one coming out on DVD?  Ican'twait!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Remember..... You have the right to vote. Gift Books

Take an old lady's advice.  If you are an American, and if you want to protect your children's future, this is the most important thing for you to do. Most of us are not rich, and we have a huge stake in this next election.  So, Be Heard, even if you think your vote doesn't count, believe me, it absolutely DOES this time.  Even if it looks like a landslide in the polls, it can't be counted on to be so.

Photo is Originally from literature from the ACLU
In a Quasi-democracy like ours, it's more of a duty NOW because, if half a million votes difference in the popular vote doesn't win an election, it takes a lot more than that.  With 30 states passing new hurdles (new voting registration laws) to make it harder to vote,  you'll have to try harder than ever.

It's worth it, just be sure to start earlier lining up your "ducks".  Do whatever it takes.  Your life could depend on it some day.   But, please, do it for the children who inherit this world and who can't yet vote.  Remember the ad.  "just do something"?  That "something" can be that, this time, You get out there and Vote!

A Gift of Books:

Elle gave us some books she was weeding down from her shelves.

Lots of good reading!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lots of Photos...Crafty hands, SkyWatcher Post, Arboretum visit, and first Woggy felting project

I made all photos small for ease of loading but make them bigger with a click...

 Crafting hands

DD1's Hands make a beaded bracelet
At Camp, DD4 makes the dotted egg
My first felting - yes, it's supposed to be an egg. Ha!

Cities have pretty skies, too, especially along coast lines.

Sunset in the City

Arboretum Proteas

Sunlight through Protea Flower
Plainer but did the bees love this one!

Ghostly White that must have been spectacular in Moonlight

 I'm sorry to say that I've not touched my knitting.  This is actually the coolest day we've had since we returned so that's my excuse.  I'm sprawling out with my books - The Lady's #1 Detective Agency re-read - and working in the garden.

Garden Report:

There are Lots and LOTS of new tiny succulent starts to minister to, and I dead headed the big Apricot Nectar Grandaflora (Happily, it LIVED!) and cleared away a very aggressive upstart of a scented geranium that the birds must have planted last fall.  I want it but I don't want it where it is.  I'll transplant it this coming winter.  It was headed for the Grandflora with a speed reserved for Giant Kelp!  You just can't have something going for a treasured rose!  You just have to put a stop to that level of floral aggro!  The rose struggles enough. 

Speaking of roses, I saw an unusually pretty rose in Trescony Park community garden this month. Trescony is called a Kid's Park and it really is a lovely small park for the little ones.

This beautifully shaped rose starts out bright yellow
Then it fades to this lovely white with pink edges.

 I'm sore all over.  Gardening and Fitness.  Chocolate here I come!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

TransCanada seems to get it's way.... Across private Texas Ranch using eminent domain

You are going to really squirm at this one.  But then, the multi nationals have been behaving like Pigs, ruthlessly and relentlessly, in the rest of the world so why not here in the US of A?

Judge rules that TransCanada can seize land from a family farm/

Good Lord, this is OUR Judicial System?   A ruling sent from an iPhone?

"But in Texas, oil comes first."  Quote from the Grist article.

I guess it does...  But how did it ramrod it's way clear through the rest of the country?  I suggest a new "View From Space" Art project consisting of Big, black Bootprints all along the pipeline.

This thing really hurts, and 9 out of 10 Americans probably don't even care.  Why do I?  I had to lie down after posting this, and then had a bit of a cry and pitched a fit. 

Kuddos to Grist and DH. Thank you.

Paul Ryans Charts from Mother Jones article

I'm sorry, this just BEGS to be as widely broadcast as possible:

I wouldn't believe just how low the republican candidates can go..... except they have Ryan.

Can I give Ryan the "Biggest *ss of All" Award?

Here's the ARTICLE at Mother Jones where the chart (below) comes from.

I just found the chart on  THIS post at dottedyellowline blog.

All over the world, there are people from Europe and America working to better the lives of those in poverty.  Here we have candidates, running hard for public office (that trough of public money) wanting to cut even more holes in the safety net that keeps people from starving to death in the streets. 

Is this really the sort of country we want?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Fill in, and more stuff

Friday Fill ins:

1. Seeing double is not that hard to do if you cross your eyes.
2. It's never going to get "stuck" that way no matter what Mother said.
3. According to science, it's really not possible.
4. As we age, we do get other eye problems though.
5. I associate double vision with one arm of my glasses being higher than the other one.
6. Long ago I did get sunburned retinas from floating submerged in a lake - just under the surface - and looking through up at the full sun.  Seemed OK at the time to an 11 year old.  I saw pink skies for at least a week!  How cool is that??? 
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include gardening and planting baby plants, and Sunday, I want to rest!

Today I went to fitness and gave the little Peace Bell to my trainer.  He's great.  We have a sort of Zen bond, and it's very cool.  I think I've survived this long because of both DH and my trainer.  I'm really too nervous to be alive, and they both possess the ability to talk me down out of my tree when I get stuck up in the branches.  It's an Art.

DH and I also went to my sister's house, and retrieved the plants that she baby sat.   Everything grew a foot and put out at least a dozen new leaves apiece!  You see, she fertilizes plants, I don't.  I guess I have this sort of Bonsai collection of plants that can survive drought after all the years of neglect.  Now that they are back home I will have to re-train them.   I'm glad they can't talk because they will tell all the others! 

I'm not knitting, but I did finally figure out how to re-fit my old clothes with new waistbands to go with my pillar like body.  There is not much else that can be done when you are 3 inches shorter than you were at 60.   At least I'm closer to the ground if I fall.

I leave you with Gnomes, Admiring Felt Mushrooms

 And a pine basket full of little felt penguins

I have spawned crafters!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wolfie's new T, India's Barefoot College and other fun stuff.

We've had a wonderful visit with our daughters, lots of chats, crafting, and we missed the record breaking heat in our own end of Cali.  The big surprise is that all the plant life made it!  Close, but they made it!

Wee Wolfie pulled out a stitch (which left him with 13) so we went to PetSmart and bought him a T shirt, luckily, on deep discount - Those little devils can be pricey! .  This occurred after we dashed around, going to thrift stores and many big retailers to try to find an 18 month old's little T.  Where do people buy baby shirts nowadays?  At one time, I made T shirts for everyone, and still have some fabric that has the words "Double Trouble" knit into the fabric.  That was for the Twins. lol

 We think his little T is SO cute that I'll make him more, silk screen designs just for him. 

Looky Looky!

India's Barefoot College

Lordy this is GREAT STUFF!  Sierra Magazine had an article on this in their new FALL ISSUE 

There are things like this going on in the world.  I hope that Multi Nationals don't try to stop them.  I'd like to see them try it!!  The last resource disaster for them was an uprising over people being fined for collecting rain water from their roofs in South America.  Bechtel also got it's hands slapped!  Power to the People!

Now, crafting... Bee and I made sock monkey's for the little girls... and Bee made two for DH and I. 

The pattern

Roland in front, Rapunzel in back of him
and the two unnamed ones in back.
I made the big one on the left and Bee the really cool one on the right.
And you should see this Pink Fire hydrant:

It looks a little peachy but the DDs declared it to be pink, and I concur.
It's one of a kind.  You have to love Santa Cruz.

Here, at last, some gorgeous orchids from the Farmer's Market in Monterey:

Look at the prices... Amazing
Tomorrow, more from the Monterey Aquarium, and lot's more craft chat.  I didn't get the knitting out of the van yet.  I'm sort of too hot to think about it right now.  I'll get to it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Flowers and Gardens.

This is part of Susanna Pagan's Landscape design that won 8 awards recently at the Country Fair.  Wonderful Garden ideas from their pages.....  See all the garden shots HERE 

Amazing Garden!

No I'm not knitting but I am putting things away and washing clothes.  Yay!  And I bought a surprise for my Wonderful Fitness Guru, whom I hope will like it.  I will show it later.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Benefits of a Balanced Financial Equality, Monterey Aqaurium, Gardens and Flowers

Americans Want to Live in a Much More Equal Country (They Just Don't Realize It) - The Atlantic

IF any of you were still wondering about what a top heavy wealth distribution can do to an economy, a national Psyche, or the other 98% of the peoples' "American dream",  this is something to read.

Now for something much more soothing, since we can only TRY to vote out candidates who support the wealthy with welfare.   And if you haven't voted recently, please do not give up.  This country belongs to ALL of us, and we need to protect it from enemies and greed within it.

We went to the Monterey Aquarium a few weeks ago, and got some pictures of underwater life.

First, The "Flowers"

Sea Anemone

Giant Kelp Forest, and Underwater Puma (Sea Bass)

"Touch Me If You Dare Fish" - A Garibaldi (BigBucks Fine)

"Don't Mess With Me" Fish

There's more to come... stay tuned!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Fill-ins

1. When I was young I wanted to be an artist and paint landscapes and portraits.
2. Where the sea meets the land,  the sky meets the curve of the Earth, and where I met interesting looking people was where I would do this.
3. How does a child in poverty do such a thing?
4. Why didn't a GPA of 4.0 count for something?
5. Time heals all, and a family that loves me is what God knew I needed the very most to fulfill my life work, becoming a REAL human.
6. What if I'd gotten my first desires?  I would have missed becoming whole, my "missing piece" would have been gone forever.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to making egg rolls and eating them with the kids and DH, tomorrow my plans include buying bee's wax at the farmer's market, and Sunday, I want to go look for a very special pocket knife at a flea market!

Monterey Farmer's Market snaps:

Organic veggie seller:

Every one of these peppers and veggies was perfect.

Beautiful potted plant booth.

This is the best booth of plant sellers I've seen.  Truly a lovely display.

Dahlia seller's booth:

Make this big and bury yourself in the beauty.

I can't get enough of Sunflowers.  They are really beautiful.

The Kitting Report:

I have the whole Noro sweater knit, all but the three rows of the collar.  The collar is a simple thing  - simple yes, but easy, "no!"  With very sore hands I am trying hard to pick up 86 stitches on each of two lapels - either side of the live stitches from the back.  The next tool to try is the crochet hook.  I'll let you know how that goes.  It has GOT to be easier.

Meanwhile, I've have been making sock monkeys, which I'll show you soon.  Very Fun!

Today, DH and I had lunch with an old friend from Sewing World days.  She and her sister came down from her sister's ranch, and we had brunch long the Harbor.  Now, after a whopping long, and fun, chin wag, I'm resting and sewing a sock monkey tail.

Hope you've had good days that aren't too hot.  Yikes! It's really been broiling in SoCal!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Music Monday- Pepe Romero... Flamenco Style

He and Angel are my favorite within the "Brotherhood". 

Enjoy!  tap your toes!

Dahlias at the market

Found two weeks ago at the Market

Along with this "Gentleman Farmer". lol At last, the little tractor got a rider!

Very Cleverly Done.  We thought he was real until we got closer.

You can see them both at local store, Staff of Life, who deserves a visit from all and sundry. If you are in town, go "howdy" the sun-struck "farmer" and cheer them up!

The knitting report.  All the parts of the Noro Sweater are finished except for the minimal collar, and the feared "sewing up".  Noro is a fairly weak spun yarn - meaning that it parts easily.  I'm wondering if I should be plying two lengths together to sew the pieces together, or using a different yarn.  It seems too unique a yarn to be sewn together with anything but the original, though.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Wolfie report:  He's doing fine, all healed up, and happy with all his family around hm, including several cats, whom he, in his inimitable fashion, completely ignores.  They are used to him, except for a kitten (juvenile)who gives him a "Great Horned Owl Glare" if he attempts to stand near her.

 We visited the community gardens, and rated sun flowers-this is a must for every summer.  I think that there was a world wide effort, begun a few years ago, to put sunflowers in every plot, and this is a giant (10 feet tall and easily 2 feet across) so it just had to be included in the snaps.  We met the gardener's daughter, a tiny Chinese lady.  Her mother, an even teenier AND an  80+ year old Chinese lady, can run circles around my 40+ DD, Bee- this according to Bee, who said it was a little embarrassing.

And, of course, some flowers.  Beautiful Dahlias from a nearby plot. 

I knit a lot in public.  It was fun as it's something not normally done.  I should do this more!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Update on Wolfie and the Knitting report

He was scratching at his stitches, and even pulled one out, so we got him a little yellow T shirt to help with that.  He gets stitches out on Monday, and I bet he'll be one happy fella when that happens!

Knitting Report.  I finished a sleeve for Manhattan, and cast on  the other one.  Whew!  Then the collar goes on and a row or two of garter all around the opening.  We are going shopping for two spiffy looking buttons in a few days.  I would call this sweater 75% finished.  The pink straps have to be knit next, apparently before the two fronts.  But then it was a little late when I re-read the pattern.  *insert Googlie Eyes* 

Something pretty:
Make it big.  There's a little garden spider in it who has made it her home for now. Though she is not a bug, that's the tag. ;o)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday full-ins, and some knitting, and Accidental Art

The Friday Fill- in:
1. Well, ok, maybe four course dinners are out of the question.
2. Even three, now that's a stretch!
3. When I'm making dinners, I need them to be pretty close to one pan affairs.
4. Stir fries meals fit into one pan, and are a bit healthier.
5. And frankly, they are less of a mess to clean up after.
6. And now for something completely different: Love of Money is the root of all evil. But having enough is as good as a feast!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having dinner with my hubster and daughters, tomorrow my plans include planting some succulents and other tiny foundlings, and Sunday, I want to make some earrings and/or sock monkeys!

DD making her beautiful beaded bracelets:

Knitting report:
The back of Stardust is finished, and I tried it on Ele and it fits nicely.  I'm glad I made a small!  The one sleeve for the Noro cardy - aka "Manhattan", is almost finished and I'm going to try to make both sleeves match - that should be more fun than a barrel full of sock monkeys!

I did find that the spine of a leaf makes an excellent, pliant row marker if a knitter finds themselves in a forest without the proper gear.


Wolfie report:
He gets his stitches out this coming Tuesday.  They look fine but he needs to wear his yellow T just a little longer.

Accidental Art:

This bit of spilled paint, run over bt a car tire can become spectacular, with the addition of....


That's all for now.  Have a happy weekend!